25 Books in 25 Days: #8 Death in the Clouds

I thought it might be nearer the end of the 25 days when I started depending on the addictive joy of Agatha – but I could resist no longer, and picked up Death in the Clouds (1935) by Agatha Christie. It’s a relatively early Poirot novel, and thus I could feel relatively assured of it being a good’un.

The murder takes place, as the title suggests, on a plane – called the Prometheus – and Madame Giselle is discovered dead. The only sign is a puncture mark on her neck – and so all the passengers are under suspicion. Well, all except one – because Hercule Poirot happens to be on the flight.

We follow the usual twists and turns of a Poirot novel, and my foolish belief that I’d worked out the ending turned out (but of course) not to be true. Sadly no Hastings or Ariadne Oliver, both of whom I love and always want to pop up in a Poirot, but it’s a neat murder mystery with all the clues laid out well – if only the reader is able to spot them… And there’s the good fun of a detective novelist, Clancy, on board – with Agatha Christie obviously enjoying teasing the profession. Here’s Inspector Japp on the topic:

“These detective-story writers… always making the police out to be fools… and getting their procedure all wrong. Why, if I were to say the things to my super that their inspectors say to superintendents I should be thrown out of the Force tomorrow on my ear. Set of ignorant scribblers! This is just the sort of damn-fool murder that a scribbler of rubbish would think he could get away with.”

3 thoughts on “25 Books in 25 Days: #8 Death in the Clouds

  • June 19, 2018 at 3:49 pm

    Christie wasn’t averse to a little tongue-in-cheek spoofing of her genre, was she? I haven’t read this for ages but it was always one of my favourites. And I love that cover (I have the same edition!)

  • June 20, 2018 at 7:53 am

    You’ve convinced me that I need to throw a few Christie rereads into my summer reading mix. I wonder how many of her books I haven’t read yet. I know it’s a very short list! Maybe I can find a new one?!

  • July 8, 2018 at 12:38 pm

    I really need to get back to reading Christie novels. She was SO good at a good mystery with some laughs along the way!


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