84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

84 Charing Cross RoadI’ve written about a couple of Helene Hanff books over the years – you can see them from that ‘browse’ menu over on the right hand side – but I don’t think I ever wrote about her most famous book, 84, Charing Cross Road. Well, a beautiful new edition from Slightly Foxed Editions brought about an excellent opportunity. I suspect most of you know this book already (and I can also recommend the lovely film) but, for those who don’t, I have written about it over at Shiny New Books. Below is the beginning of my review; if your appetite is whetted, you can go and check out the rest.

Slightly Foxed Editions – and I never tire of saying how beautiful they are – offer two different, wonderful things to the world. Either they are an introduction to brilliant memoirs that were undiscoverable and unknown, or they give the opportunity to have much-loved classics in that inimitably lovely series. And, of course, 84 Charing Cross Road appears in the latter category.

5 thoughts on “84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

  • February 25, 2016 at 1:12 pm

    Our tastes may differ – our points of view and methods differ more than our points of view, in fact – but I utterly agree with you on this : “84, Charing Cross Road” is a classic or a “must to be read” (although everyone is free to read whatever pleases her or him: no dictatorship!!! :) ), and Slightly Foxed books, be they paperbacks or cloth-bouded volumes are simply a pleasure to hold and read.

  • February 25, 2016 at 4:24 pm

    I have had this on my to-read list for ages. I have to get it! I don’t think I’ve seen Slightly Foxed editions on this side of the pond.

  • February 27, 2016 at 12:04 pm

    I’ve loved this book for so many years! And appearing on a radio programme about it c. 13 years ago introduced me to my lovely friend Sarah, now back in NZ!


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