A #1951Club wrap-up (and where next?)

1951 ClubI hope you’ve all enjoyed the 1951 Club – and Easter. I know that I’ve really enjoyed both – it’s always so fun to see people reading such different titles across the blogosphere and elsewhere, and it’s also fun when a smaller group band together to read the same title, as happened on Instagram with My Cousin Rachel. So many reviews and different authors – thank you! Between us, we’ve built up a complex and interesting picture of 1951.

I’ve been so busy this week that I haven’t had time to seek out and round up the reviews – so I’m doing that now. Below are all the reviews I could find – if you’ve written one and I haven’t found it, let me know!

Next time – in October, we’ll be doing this all again with a year from the 1960s. Karen and I would like your suggestions – so, if you have a particular one to advocate for, let us know which year and why. We’ll put our heads together and make a choice soon.

The Loved and Envied by Enid Bagnold
Leaves and Pages

The Street by Dorothy Baker
Stuck in a Book

A Grave Case of Murder by Roger Bax
My Reader’s Block

Molloy by Samuel Beckett
Recent Items
The Bookbinder’s Daughter

Where were you, Adam? by Heinrich Böll
Lizzy Siddal

The Glass Harp by Truman Capote
Beauty is a Sleeping Cat

They Came to Baghdad by Agatha Christie
Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings
Monica’s Bookish Life
She Reads Novels

Darkness and Day by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Stuck in a Book

Come In Spinner by Dymphna Cusack & Florence James
Words and Leaves

Tempest-Tost by Robertson Davies
Consumed by Ink

My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier
Lizzy Siddal
Bag Full of Books
The Emerald City Book Review
Teereads on Instagram

The Quarry by Friedrich Durrenmatt
Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings

Death Has Deep Roots by Michael Gilbert
I Prefer Reading

The End of the Affair by Graham Greene
Annabel’s House of Books

The Well at the World’s End by Neil Gunn
1st Reading

The Puppet Masters by Robert A. Heinlein
Booked For Life

The Quiet Gentleman by Georgette Heyer
I Prefer Reading
Desperate Reader

Duplicate Death by Georgette Heyer
She Reads Novels

Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
What Me Read
Intermittencies of the Mind

The Age of Longing by Arthur Koestler
Lesser-Known Gems

Murder Comes Front by Frances & Richard Lockridge
My Reader’s Block

A Mouse is Born by Anita Loos
Lesser-Known Gems

I Could Murder Her by E.C.R. Lorac
My Reader’s Block

The Woman Surgeon by L Martindale
Briefer Than Literal Statement

School for Love by Olivia Manning
Jacqui Wine’s Journal
Stuck in a Book
Books and Chocolate

Opening Night by Ngaio Marsh
Stuck in a Book

Forbidden Colours by Yukio Mishima
Lesser-Known Gems

The Devil’s Elbow by Gladys Mitchell
Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings

The Blessing by Nancy Mitford
Pining for the West

The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat
My Bookstrings

Merry Hall by Beverley Nichols
Stuck in a  Book

The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes ed. Iona and Peter Opie
Kate Macdonald

Lost Children by Edith Pargeter
Briefer Than Literal Statement

A Question of Upbringing by Anthony Powell
Hard Book Habit

Fabia by Olive Higgins Prouty
Joie de Livre 

The Sunday of Life by Raymond Queneau
Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings

Memories of a Revolutionary by Victor Serge
Lesser Known Gems
Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings

Lise Lillywhite by Margery Sharp
Beyond Eden Rock

Maigret’s Memoirs by Simenon
Lizzy Siddal

Maigret and the Burglar’s Wife by Simenon
Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings

The Teahouse of the August Moon by Vern Sneider
Bookprint on Instagram

The Log from the Sea of Cortez by John Steinbeck
Ink Stains on a Reader’s Blog

A Game of Hide and Seek by Elizabeth Taylor
Harriet Devine
Madame Bibilophile Recommends
The Blank Garden
The Indextrious Reader
The Book Satchel

All-of-a-Kind Family by Sydney Taylor
Staircase Wit

The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey
Harriet Devine
Lady Fancifull

Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar
Intermittencies of the Mind

The Invisible Collection & Buchmendel by Stefan Zweig
Desperate Reader



16 thoughts on “A #1951Club wrap-up (and where next?)

  • April 17, 2017 at 8:22 pm

    Hasn’t it been fun Simon? So many good books and interesting reviews from everyone! I’m looking forward to the 1960s and I can’t actually say at the moment which year I favour – it will be interesting to see what the eventual choice is! :)

  • April 17, 2017 at 8:23 pm

    What a wealth of reviews and what a variety! I will have to slowly make my way through all of them. I hope to have more time and participate next time around.

  • April 17, 2017 at 8:25 pm

    Thanks Simon, it’s been a fun week as with previous ‘year reads’. I’m just reading through as many of the reviews as I can at the moment as there were quite a few I missed during the week

  • April 17, 2017 at 8:39 pm

    Thanks Simon. Can I suggest 1960 for October? Mostly because culturally I think the 50s and 60s are thought of as if they were miles apart and some huge cosmic switch was flicked at midnight 31st December 1959, but the shift must have been much more gradual in reality..

    Off to read some reviews now,

    Victoria H

  • April 18, 2017 at 1:15 am

    This list always gives me lots of reading ideas. So sad that this year I was only able to contribute one review.

  • April 18, 2017 at 4:10 am

    Wow! What a varied bunch of reviews. I’ll enjoy going through them. These readalong are such a brilliant concept.
    My vote for the next one is for 1962.

    • April 18, 2017 at 6:36 am

      I also vote for 1962 — so many books I want to read from that year! And thanks again for hosting, it’s been fun.

  • April 18, 2017 at 7:36 am

    Many thanks for co-hosting such a fab week of reading, Simon. I’m still working my way through the reviews as well, so much to catch up with!

  • April 18, 2017 at 9:17 am

    Thanks to you and Karen for hosting again, Simon. It’s good to see that so many people have taken part and read such a wide variety of books!

  • April 18, 2017 at 10:00 am

    Thanks for hosting this with Karen. I’m really glad I finally joined you. Fining such a lovely book was so rewarding.

  • April 18, 2017 at 6:20 pm

    You’re skirting dangerously close to the modern era Simon with the 1960s. : ) I vote for 1965.

    • April 21, 2017 at 11:02 pm

      I know, right! We’re even thinking about the 1970s next :O

  • April 19, 2017 at 7:59 am

    Are we allowed to submit older reviews? My problem with this year was that I had jumped the gun and already read all the books I wanted to read for this year!

    Tempest-Tost from 2015 https://librofulltime.wordpress.com/2015/06/11/book-reviews-tempest-tost-and-the-road-to-middlemarch/

    The End of the Affair from 2011 https://librofulltime.wordpress.com/2011/04/20/graham-greene-the-end-of-the-affair/

    A Game of Hide and Seek from 2012 https://librofulltime.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/elizabeth-taylor/

  • April 20, 2017 at 7:33 pm

    In 1964 Saul Bellow published “Herzog”, that’s a very good reason to chose that year I think! You also have novesl by Burroughs, Fleming, de Beauvoir, Deighton, Murdoch etc to chose from too.

  • April 27, 2017 at 1:40 am

    I am very late to the party. Thank you for hosting such an excellent meme. I am off to read other’s reviews now.


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