A couple more reviews (and a pretty cover)

Busy busy busy at the moment. Off to London today to see Once, and yesterday my team won the Abingdon Book Quiz put on by Mostly Books. It’s all GO. The quiz is always great fun; this year we had Annabel on our team, as she was taking a year off from writing the questions. And I picked up a few books as prizes or the book swap – Hawthorn and Child by Keith Ridgway (after John Self raved so much about it), Love, Nina by Nina Stibbe, and Humor by Stanley Dorwood (mostly for the beautiful cover).

Not really a Weekend Miscellany, but thought I’d direct you to a couple of the Shiny New Books reviews I wrote…
The Small Widow by Janet McNeill – one for anybody who liked All Passion Spent by Vita Sackville-West.
The Happy Tree by Rosalind Murray – the latest Persephone title, and a worthy addition.

5 thoughts on “A couple more reviews (and a pretty cover)

  • February 7, 2015 at 1:14 pm

    Simon – I donated the Hawthorn & Child to the bookswap table. I shall look forward to your comments!

  • February 8, 2015 at 3:35 am

    The cover of Humor is delicious, it should win a design award.

  • February 8, 2015 at 7:16 am

    Any chance you could publish your literary quiz questions? We meet friends every three months for lunch and a literary quiz and I'm the sole compiler, it's exhausting. I'm looking forward to your review of 'Hawthorn and Child' … I'll try and read it first.

    • February 8, 2015 at 12:20 pm

      The questions aren't ours to supply – and the quiz was for charity. I could supply you with some questions from a previous quiz (I was the quizmaster last year), but I'd require you to make a donation to a worthwhile cause…

  • February 8, 2015 at 1:53 pm

    Oh dear, I wasn't really serious about the quiz questions … I grumble like mad, but I wouldn't make up my own quiz if I didn't enjoy doing it. However, give me details of the worthwhile cause and I'll send them a donation, anyway.


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