A ghost story for Christmas…

….but perhaps the least scary ghost story you will ever read! It’s R.A. Dick’s The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947) which I read for Shiny New Books. Here’s the beginning of my review…

Nobody loves a good reprint better than I do, and so I was quite excited to see a series from Vintage called ‘Vintage Movie Classics’, wherein they republish the books that were adapted into great films. (This series may only be available in the US; I have to confess that my conversations with Vintage did not entirely illuminate the matter.) I expected to see Breakfast at Tiffany’sThe Godfather, and those sorts of texts – it was a surprise to see entirely books and films I’d never heard of (Back StreetThe Bitter Tea of General YenCimarron etc.) which doubtless says more about my filmic knowledge than anything else. It was a lovely surprise, though – what better than reprints that will be unknown gems?
The one title I had come across before was R.A. Dick’s The Ghost and Mrs Muir, as I had had my eye on it during doctoral research – and found it too difficult to track down. So I was certainly grateful that a new copy was forthcoming – and The Ghost and Mrs Muir was every bit as enjoyable, silly, and entertaining as I’d have hoped.

3 thoughts on “A ghost story for Christmas…

  • December 13, 2014 at 2:52 am

    I'd been trying to track this down for ever as it is such a lovely film – so good to see it reprinted.

  • December 13, 2014 at 4:00 am

    What a brilliant idea! I think I need this and possibly The Bad Seed ASAP.

  • December 13, 2014 at 7:01 pm

    I read that lovely little book every few years. And I watch the film every year or so. I'm now collecting the DVDs of the 1960s TV series, which updated the original story and placed it in New England. Love them all!!


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