Thanks so much for your contributions to the 1970 Club! There are so many books I now want to read (with The Woods in Winter by Stella Gibbons head of the pack) – and some I now know to avoid… There were also quite a few on my shelves that I hoped to get and didn’t, especially Losing Battles by Eudora Welty.
ANYWAY, it’s been fun as ever – and more and more people seem to join in every time. Next year will be the tenth (!!) anniversary of the club, but that’s not until October. First, in April, we will be doing… the 1952 Club!
It’s 21-27 April, but we will warn you nearer the time, of course. Thanks to Karen, as ever, for co-hosting so wonderfully!
Definitely have read more from 1952 – or have some on my shelves, so I hope that if I move to Berlin by then, I’ll have had time to unpack my books and be able to participate!
1952! The year of the great smog/fog in London … lots of scope for novels of confusion & regretably crime … the year before the Coronation so no doubt stories about the plans for that event … I have a 1952 novel right here … written by Christianna Brand.
Congrats on yet another successful event! I still retain hopes that I’ll manage to participate, as the club years seem so much fun (and I do get lots of great recommendations. That Stella Gibbons looks interesting). Maybe next spring ….
1970 was such fun – thanks for co-hosting as always!! And looking forward to 1952 a lot!!!
1970 was great fun, thanks so much for hosting, and it’s really neat to see all the books read!
As usual, I looked at all the 1952 books on my Goodreads TBR: 6, with one literary fiction, 2 scifi, and mysteries. One in French, one in Italian (I’ll try), and the rest in English. Will be real fun again!
Thanks for hosting alongside Kaggsy, Simon! I need to catch up on the reviews but the Club years are always great fun.
Thanks for hosting Simon – my wish list has exploded, and I still have lots of reviews to catch up on! I collected Woods in Winter from the library this afternoon; and Eudora Welty was a name I had not heard of but I think that bears exploring too…….!
I enjoyed 1970 Club thanks to Stella Gibbons though I wished I’d got to The Female Eunuch, too (I was away until the Wednesday so it was a bit trickier to navigate than normal). I’m sure I’ll have something for next time, or can engineer a Christmas or birthday present if not!
Looking for to it!
This is the first time that I don’t have a single book on my TBR pile from that year. Any suggestions?
Looking at the ones I’ve read, I’d say The Village by Marghanita Laski or They Do It With Mirrors by reliable Agatha Christie
Thanks for that. I’m not the biggest fan of crime fiction and have read a few Agatha Christie novels. The Village sounds great but seems to be out of print as it is extremely expensive to get here. I’m sure I’ll find something. If not, I’ll read Christie.
The Village is in print by Persephone.
Thanks, Gina. But I live in Germany and there is no new print available, only some used copies between 30 and 150 Euros (which is almost as much as dollars).
I’m always ridiculously excited to hear about the “next” year, but I also think I could read for a year from 1970 alone. So many choices!