Book bingo (and so can you!)

Like many of us, I’m better at making reading plans than actually carrying them out, and that is my big caveat for the fact that I probably won’t see this through, but I saw the Books on the Nightstand Book Bingo 2015 on Simon S’s blog, and thought it sounded fun. See more info in his blog post, but essentially you’re given a bingo chart with types of book (‘types’ is very loose here), and you’re supposed to read them and cross them off. Capiche? Then go and generate yours!

Here, ladies and gents, is mine (‘A play’ is only highlighted because that’s where my mouse was hovering when I screenshotted it):

book bingo

I love coming up with ideas to match these. And, since I have woefully neglected My Shelf, perhaps I can combine these two.

My friend Kirsty also did this, and also got the one which has given me most pause for thought – ‘a presidential biography’. And so I have bought a copy of this:

Who Was Abraham Lincoln

Part of me wants to become a world expert in Wellard Fillmore, but we settled on this. Because apparently nobody knows how to write a short biography of a president.

13 thoughts on “Book bingo (and so can you!)

  • July 2, 2015 at 11:27 pm

    Seattle public library system is using this. If you fill it in by the end of summer with either a black-out or a bingo and turn it in, you are entered for a drawing. The black-out prize is season tickets to our local Arts & Lectures series and the bingo prize is a $30 gift card to a local book shop. I’m going for a black-out!

    • July 5, 2015 at 11:10 pm

      Oh, what an excellent idea! My office have now all joined in, with a book token as prize. Hope you win!

    • July 5, 2015 at 11:11 pm

      Excellent! That one might be a bit much for me, since me and French don’t often get on – but I have today finished one of the list (Translated from the French) – the latest Milan Kundera.

  • July 3, 2015 at 9:45 am

    This looks like great fun and if I had any more faith in my ability to stick to any sort of challenge, I would have ago. Maybe later in the year….

    • July 5, 2015 at 11:12 pm

      It’s great fun to start thinking of titles, but hopefully flexible enough that it won’t become a burden…

    • July 5, 2015 at 11:14 pm

      There are a few weird ones in there, but not TOO many! I’m glad I didn’t get horror (though could count Shirley Jackson, I suppose). Presidential biographies was the worst one, easily.

  • July 4, 2015 at 3:36 am

    My sons read many books in that series- they were great as one of them disliked fiction. I am doing this for the second year, I am hoping to get a Bingo this summer. Such a fun way to pick books. Love your blog!

    • July 5, 2015 at 11:17 pm

      Oo, can I count it as ‘a book in a series’?
      Good luck with your bingo, and thanks so much!

  • July 6, 2015 at 2:46 am

    I laughed out loud at your Lincoln biography – I think my kids may have read that one back when they were young. I printed out a couple of different BOTNS bingo cards just for fun to track my summer reading. I didn’t start out to map my reading – was just going to fill in the titles that I read as they fit, but now that I’m only missing a single square to complete a row here and there, I’m feeling the pressure. ;) Clearly I’m kidding! I do have one conundrum about one of my cards…I have 2 blocks on the same card that say “longer than 500 pages.” Surely I can count the same book twice since they fall on the same card? It’s all about creatively recording them, isn’t it? :)
    Happy reading!

  • July 7, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    Oh, I like this idea and think I will play along. Then again–like you I am a wonderful planner until reality sets in and I have less free time for reading than I want to have…. Still, it looks pretty open ended and maybe I could make it work. If nothing else it is always fun thinking about reading…. (when you can’t actually be reading….). ;)


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