Booking Through Thursday

This week’s question is quite appropriate for me, as I’ve got next week off work, and shall be going home for a few days, starting tomorrow. Might mean blogging is sporadic, I warn you now…

Do you buy books while on vacation/holiday? Do you have favourite bookstores that you only get to visit while away on a trip? What/Where are they?
I can just about hear my parents’ hollow laugh from here about the first question… yes, I do buy books on holiday! Many, many books. I’m fairly familiar with the stock of my local secondhand bookshops – going away means there are wholly unmined sources. And I mine ’em. I try to leave my suitcase about half empty, to leave plenty of room for all the purchases.

Favourite bookshops visited only on trips? Well, before we moved to Somerset we used to pass by the Bookbarn on our trips to the South West, and that’s a truly wonderful place. Now we’re close to it, we don’t seem to visit all that much. Generally, the pleasure for me is finding bookshops serendipitously. Mmmm books.

Howsabout yourself?

9 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday

  • July 17, 2008 at 11:02 pm

    I usually travel with an extra suitcase, a cheep canvas thing I can stuff inside the main suitcase.

    The extra one has been known to fill up with books.

  • July 18, 2008 at 1:45 am

    Great idea, bringing an extra suitcase. I usually travel by car, so I have lots of room for found treasures!

  • July 18, 2008 at 11:05 am

    It is very good that you can travel on only half a suitcase, I never manage that. My backpack usually weighs me down as I get on the plane. I load it with books rather than the suitcase to avoid the baggage charges!

  • July 18, 2008 at 12:54 pm

    Don’t you believe his line about half a suitcase… what he actually means is that he blames his lack of a spare jumper/waterproof/pair of socks/ towel on the above. In reality he has broken more suitcase zips than you can shake a stick at AND forced his patient family to travel with bags and packages all around them and under their legs in the car! As always s-i-a-b you err on the side of poetry!

  • July 18, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    I do love to buy books while on vacation, but I try to limit myself. My favorite book store to visit is located in Tuscumbia, Alabama (US), my hometown and where my father lives. It’s charming and quirky, and they serve delicious coffee. :)

  • July 19, 2008 at 4:51 am

    I once built a whole holiday around a visit to the wonderful Barter Books in Alnwick, Northumbria. It’s in the old railway station and has coffee and cookies, a fire in the winter and a very good (and huge) selection of books. Not on Bookbarn’s scale, but one of the best I’ve been to.
    Then there’s the Cook Book in St Just in Cornwall – cafe on the ground floor, books on the first. Small, but perfectly formed!

    I could go on…


  • July 19, 2008 at 5:53 pm

    If I am visiting anywhere in the UK, I google where I am going and track down book shops. I discovered a lovely book shop in Harwich last year when I took my mother there for a trip and she grabbed hold of me in a very strong grip (she is 96 don’t forget) and said OH NO YOU DONT. I went back the following week on my own…..

    when visiting the US I make sure my suitcase has plenty of spare room and cut back on clothes

  • July 19, 2008 at 6:35 pm

    We have made several 3-day weekend car trips around New England just for visiting antiquarian and used book stores (in conjunction with visiting diners as well). Many booksellers belong to an organization (forget the name right now) that puts out booklets (per state) with lists of dealers and where they can be found. We’ve marked up our maps with this info.

    Of course, on those trips we were in a car. But, with luggage when flying, it’s helpful to pack lightweight nylon bag (even like a laundry bag) to move some of the clothing into so heavier stuff like books can be put in the rolling luggage. Once, we were almost stymied by one particular piece being overweight – and that can cost lots. We were checking in extra early, with no one else around – so, as I was about to lay out our several pieces in the floor and juggle the stuff around, the airline employee actually said to forget it, she would just put it through, and she did. :-) That can happen in smaller, friendlier airports – like the one in Baton Rouge LA.


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