Brewster’s Millions by George Barr McCutcheon

Claire’s review of Brewster’s Millions (1902) by George Barr McCutcheon made it sound so delightful and funny that I couldn’t resist tracking it down myself – and decided that it would be a good candidate for an audiobook from Librivox. (For the uninitiated, Librivox offer free audiobooks of out-of-copyright titles, read by members of the public.) And what a curious book it was.

I believe it’s famous, or at least filmed versions of it are, but I hadn’t heard of it before. Two people have read it for Librivox, and I have to admit that neither of them have the most engaging delivery, but I picked one and went with it. As usual with audio, I can’t quote from it – but bear with me.

The premise of the novel is totally absurd, but you can just about buy it. Monty Brewster is a jolly young man out for a good time, when he discovers that he’s been left a million dollars by his grandfather – which, of course, was an even more enormous amount in 1902 than it is now. Happy days! But there is a complication – when, shortly afterwards, he inherits $7 million from an uncle he barely knew… but only if he is penniless after a year. And then the money will be his. There is some back story about a family feud meaning the uncle doesn’t want to mingle his money with another part of Brewster’s family, and all sorts of additional clauses – Brewster must show himself to be good with money, he mustn’t tell anybody etc. – that chiefly serve the purpose of giving the book a plot.

This absurdity out of the way, we can settle back to watch Monty try to squander $1 million while also seeming to be (for the cross-examination of his uncle’s lawyer) responsible with his finances. He throws large dinners. He buys expensive cutlery. He treats his friends left, right, and centre – and they are, at first, appreciative. Before long they start to think he might be mad.

And, quelle surprise, things start to go comically awry. He tries to gamble away money (playing fast and loose with the ‘sensible with money’ bit) but ends up winning more; he tries to invest unwisely, and becomes the toast of Wall Street. And, all along, he is dealing with – guess what? – a love triangle!

Well, a love triangle of sorts. Barbara and Peggy are both objects of his affection – and, unusually for this sort of novel, both seem like equally good options to the reader. Both are fond of him, like him for himself rather than his money, etc. etc. Naturally enough he does make a choice, but it could have gone either way without derailing the novel.

It was all great fun, and McCutcheon obviously had a lot of fun writing it. I could have enjoyed a whole novel about his financial escapades, so it was rather a surprise when it suddenly became much more dramatic and an evil sheik appears on the scene. And then there’s a battle at sea. Yep. And it all predates the (in)famous novel The Sheik by 17 years, so there was clearly something in the water. This whole section felt like it was just added to make the novel longer, and detracts rather than adds to it, but it’s not like the previous bit had clung to stark realism – so I’ll forgive it.

So, all very silly – some of it sillier than other bits – but as much fun as Claire suggested, and McCutcheon clearly has an able hand at taking the reader on a joyful, absurd journey.

2 thoughts on “Brewster’s Millions by George Barr McCutcheon

  • September 21, 2018 at 6:56 pm

    Wasn’t it Richard Pryor in the movie? This does sound delightful – not sure about as an audiobook though.

  • September 22, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    I’m so happy you had fun with this! If only the adventures at sea had been cut it would have been a perfect book. As it is, I doubt I’ll forget the evil sheik and the battle any time soon!


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