Dearest Andrew (letters by Vita Sackville-West)

Guys, set your faces to impressed, because I’ve already read the first book I’ve bought in Project 24. I bought my second one today (more on that another day – or right now if you scroll through my Twitter feed) but if I keep this up – and I definitely, definitely won’t – then I’ll have finished all 24 books this year.

Dearest AndrewIt helped, of course, that the book was relatively slim. Dearest Andrew: Letters from V. Sackville-West to Andrew Reiber 1951-1962 (published in 1980) has a very long title for a book that is only 127 pages long. There is only one half of the collection, which the editor Nancy MacKnight explains as a case of Andrew wanting Vita Sackville-West to be centre stage – though the less charitable among us might suspect that she didn’t keep his letters.

They didn’t know each other when the correspondence started. It kicked off because Andrew – who lived in Maine – had a friend nearby who wanted to visit Sissinghurst, Vita’s beautiful home and garden. Said friend never actually got to Sissinghurst, but Vita’s reply was so encouraging that Andrew braved writing again – and so, after some fits and starts, their friendship begins and would last until Vita’s death.

The title of the collection is how Vita addressed him – after rather an interesting realisation about greetings in British English and American English – is this still the case?

My dear Andrew. No, I am given to understand that the American and the English habit is reversed. To us, My dear is a far warmer form than just Dear, yet if I put just Dear Andrew it looks so cold and formal to my English eyes. And if my American publisher begins his letter to me My dear it looks very personal and intimate! so what is one to do? I shall take refuge in Dearest Andrew which is what we reserve for our real friends.

The one review I found of this book is quite critical, suggesting that it’s a bit boring because it’s mostly about gardening, day-to-day events, and minutiae. Well, that’s exactly why I liked it so much. I enjoy letters because they show us the real person – and while I love reading an author’s thoughts on writing, I’m also rather enamoured by their easy, unthinking chatting about normal life. My only criticism is that there is perhaps too much framing from the editor, and quite a few of the letters are clearly not included.

So, perhaps not the best place to start for readers new to Vita Sackville-West – but if you know a little about her, or have read her writing, then I think this is a fun addition to her oeuvre.

6 thoughts on “Dearest Andrew (letters by Vita Sackville-West)

  • February 23, 2017 at 12:30 am

    That’s exactly why I think I would enjoy it too – the minutiae – especially the gardening bits.

  • February 23, 2017 at 1:11 am

    I just bought All Passion Spent, my first Vita Sackville-West. Dearest Andrew looks good, too.

  • February 23, 2017 at 6:24 am

    Oh I love this book! And exactly for all the reasons you mentioned. I thought it was also an interesting piece of social history – her difficulties having American cigarettes sent to her, etc. I called this book up out of the library stacks about 20 years ago and I haven’t seen it since, so was delighted to be reminded of it.

  • February 23, 2017 at 12:27 pm

    I *do* love Vita so I think this would definitely be one for me (if I don’t already have it – which I think I might…..!)

  • February 24, 2017 at 5:41 pm

    I like that kind of “boring detail” when reading exchanges involving one of my favourite writers too. Pshaw. What do such critics know.


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