Fifty Forgotten Books by R.B. Russell

Fifty Forgotten Books | And Other Stories

One of the books I took on holiday to read was also one of the books I’ve bought under Project 24 – Fifty Forgotten Books (2022) by R.B. Russell. It’s exactly the sort of book I can’t resist, and it was every bit as enjoyable as I’d hoped. I absolutely loved reading it.

Of course, bibliophiles who tend to read slightly more obscure books will ask, ‘Are these really forgotten?’ And of course they are not all completely obscure books, but I have only read five of the 50. Four of those were actually books I discussed in my DPhil thesis (The Brontes Went To Woolworths by Rachel Ferguson, The Haunted Woman by David Lindsay, Flower Phantoms by Ronald Fraser and – hurrah! – Miss Hargreaves by Frank Baker). The fifth is The Unspeakable Skipton by Pamela Hansford Johnson, perhaps one of the best-remembered names in the book. But, yes, there were an awful lot of titles and authors I’d never heard of, and I very much enjoyed reading why Russell had chosen them for inclusion.

There certainly isn’t any attempt to make this an objective collection of titles. They are certainly books that reveal one man’s personal taste, and in some ways Fifty Forgotten Books is a memoir, a little like The Books of My Life by Sheila Kaye-Smith. Compared to something like Christopher Fowler’s The Book of Forgotten Authors (which I enjoyed, and which also includes Miss Hargreaves), Russell’s book is much more personal and he doesn’t devote each short chapter exclusively to the book being mentioned. Rather, he will use the book in question as a prompt for writing about something going on in his life. Or, I should say, his bookish life. That means we get truly delightful looks behind the scenes at the development of his literary taste, his bookshopping habits, or the origin and history of Tartarus Press – a small-edition publishing house that Russell co-runs, and which came to my attention when they reprinted Miss Hargreaves in the mid-2000s.

Tartarus Press specialises in the literary supernatural/strange/horror, and that is certainly reflected in his selection here. It overlaps with my love of the fantastic (hence the four books that were in my thesis on the Middlebrow Fantastic) and, while I’m unlikely to leap towards some of the horror or fantasy books he recommends, I still loved reading about them. I was already feeling confident that Russell was something of a kindred spirit when I got to the Miss Hargreaves section. This opening line makes me wonder if I am secretly the same person as Russell:

With limited house room, there is little excuse for owning multiple copies of the same book. I do, though, feel I can justify my five different copies of Miss Hargreaves by Frank Baker.

Why, yes, I do also have five copies of Miss Hargreaves, and would readily buy any future ones I find, so long as they’re not editions I already have. One of the differences between Russell’s bibliophilia and mine is that he cares about first editions. He often talks about replacing copies of much-loved books with first editions, perhaps then moving on to a first edition with a dustjacket, and so forth. It’s an angle of literary life that I’ve never understood. I’d definitely opt for a book with a lovely dustjacket, for aesthetic reasons, but I can never see why anybody cares if a book is a first edition or a 50th edition, so long as the text is the same. Well, it saves me money!

Threaded through a lot of sections is the memoir-esque bit that I found the most intriguing – Russell’s experiences with the Arthur Machen Society. We learn about the machinations (ho-ho) of this society along the way, including misunderstandings, draconian leaders, unsettling periods in leadership, and the start of a rival organisation.

There are times when you can find yourself embroiled in unexpected battles, even in literary societies where so little might appear to be at stake. […] Matters came to a head in September 1966 when a member from Tunbridge Wells phoned to ask why he’d had a subscription reminder when he had received no journals or newsletters in the previous year. When I passed this complaint on to Mrs X, her reaction was such that I could only share Mr Talbot’s concerns. She could not explain how the subscriptions had been spent, and when I suggested that this was an unsatisfactory situation, she launched an unpleasant personal attack upon me. I was confused and hurt, and I could see no option but to resign.

Any of us with experience of big fish in small ponds may well recognise the type of Mrs X. What I found impressive is that, even when Russell is writing about disputes and fallings-out, he comes across very well. He always seems kind, thoughtful, and eager to share passions about literature with like-minded people. He is refreshingly free from any book snobbery, taking in all genres and all types of literature equally. In short, it was a pleasure to spent these 254 pages with him – and, for that reason, I think Fifty Forgotten Books would be very enjoyable and engaging even if you’ve never heard of any of the 50 authors.

I’ve come away with a little list of books to look out for, happy reminders of some titles I’ve enjoyed and, above all, the happy experience of spending time in the company of somebody who unabashedly loves books and knows the power they can have to grow as a person, form communities, and connect with authors who are long gone.

11 thoughts on “Fifty Forgotten Books by R.B. Russell

  • November 21, 2022 at 11:59 am

    This sounds like such a treat Simon! Particularly for you, with your love of Miss Hargreaves, but all of us bookish types enjoy books about books, especially when you get along with the commentator!!

    • November 22, 2022 at 12:11 am

      Yes, I think any bookish person will really love this, even if the books don’t appeal, which is saying something special.

  • November 21, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    I thought this book sounded wonderful when you bought it for Project 24. Now you have whetted my appetite further! Moreover, I have just read Miss Hargreaves, which I thought was an absolute delight. I had never heard of Frank Baker before I started reading your blog so thank you again for bringing it to my attention. Miss Hargreaves is a truly fantastic character.

    • November 22, 2022 at 12:10 am

      Oh that’s wonderful, Sarah, I’m always so happy when someone else meets Miss H!

  • November 21, 2022 at 7:33 pm

    I agree with you on first editions; I’m not worried about prettiness in books either, tho I appreciate a nice cover as much as the next person. My only exception, and my only multiples, too, is of course for Iris Murdoch – I managed to snaffle a complete set of firsts over a couple of years when her popularity was at its nadir. But I don’t need first printings etc.!

    • November 22, 2022 at 12:10 am

      And there are some collectors who aren’t even readers, which baffles me! Russell is certainly a reader first and foremost, thankfully.

  • November 22, 2022 at 11:40 am

    Ah, the perfect book for you! (How could anyone buy you birthday or Christmas gifts after this?)

  • November 27, 2022 at 10:23 pm

    I really really wish someone would reprint this because it’s impossible to find, but I’ll keep looking –

    • November 27, 2022 at 10:52 pm

      Hi Nancy! Fifty Forgotten Books has just been published, though maybe only in the UK – might be able to ship from Blackwells or something?

  • December 1, 2022 at 1:42 am

    I really admire the books published by the Tartarus Press. I have ordered a copy of Mr. Russell’s new book, presently still in transit. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. Praises for it have piled so high, I’m now imagining the endorphin rush I’ll get when it finally arrives in the mail will last for days.

    To offer a contrary view on collecting 1st editions I wanted to contribute the following thoughts.

    From my pov, collecting 1st eds is initially rooted in appreciating the book as an artifact. I bought my first 1st ed by accident (Thorne Smith’s The Glorious Pool :1933), and when comparing it to a similar looking trade ed printed only a few years later I was surprised to note the many subtle differences (paper weight and quality, the width of the boards, the color of the top stain, so on). Another factor is that many good books by minor authors were printed in hardcover only once. Yes a PB is perfectly sufficient to appreciate a text, the allure of cloth books offers the promise of longevity . Consider the present state of paperbacks printed in the 1940s-50’s today, and their unspoken ephemeral nature is laid bare. I typically despair when finding a vintage pb by a beloved author more frequently brittle and difficult to read without it crumbling apart. PB’s are cheap and can make for convenient reading, which is good, but many decisions should not be dictated by cost and convenience alone. Cloth books can feel almost decadent by comparison. The weight, the sturdiness, the pleasing texture of the book cloth, or perhaps the color the cloth is dyed? And I could go on. For example, Mark Samuels Lasner often speaks about collecting books also for the stories they tell outside of the pages.
    I understand that all this may seem quite silly to anyone not already under the spell, but its a sincere and satisfying pursuit, and because rare things constantly turn up in the hands of sellers who don’t recognize the value of what they have, with knowledge and patience, collecting 1sts can be done by anyone and on any budget.

    • December 3, 2022 at 8:58 pm

      Thank you for your thoughtful reply! I can certainly see the appeal of nicer hardbacks and older books.


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