Finishing #ABookADayInMay with The Finishing Touch by Brigid Brophy

We have got to the end of May! Thank you for all your encouragement and comments as I’ve finished my book each day – and particular thanks to Madame Bibi for creating the challenge and leading the charge. We did it! And it’s been really fun. Including audiobooks this year made life easier – because I was finishing a book each day, rather than reading a whole book every day, it meant that I could have a breather sometimes and finish off an audiobook that had been on the go for a bit. A few more reflections before I get onto my final read for this challenge…

  • I read seven works of non-fiction and 24 works of fiction – the non-fiction is the main reason I call this challenge A Book A Day rather than A Novella A Day
  • 18 of the books were by authors I hadn’t read before – which pleased me, because I felt like I was in a bit of a rut of not trying new authors in 2023
  • Three were in translation – from Dutch, French, and Italian
  • I toyed with ranking them all, but they basically fall into tiers – and I think my three favourite books from this month were all non-fiction: Gerald: A Portrait by Daphne du Maurier, A Flat Place by Noreen Masud, and Self-Portrait of a Literary Biographer by Joan Givner

Onto my final choice – and it wasn’t until I’d decided on it that I realised how appropriate the title was to be a final choice: The Finishing Touch (1963) by Brigid Brophy.

This is my second book by Brophy – I don’t know how The Finishing Touch is regarded in relation to the rest of her oeuvre, but I really liked it. Her style is delicious, reminding me of the biting qualities of Muriel Spark and Ivy Compton-Burnett. There is a convoluted, self-aware artistry to it that is unique, and those words might sound like an insult but I mean them as a compliment. My first Brophy was Hackenfeller’s Ape, which I also really liked, though I don’t remember it reading quite like this.

The setting for the novella is a finishing school in France, run by co-proprietors Miss Hetty Braid and Miss Antonia Mount. The former is diligent, plain, and unloved, though with a far greater knowledge of the running of the school and the individual girls than has Miss Antonia. Miss Antonia, meanwhile, is languidly lovely – adored by most of the girls and, indeed, by Miss Hetty herself. I loved these sorts of authorial commentary-by-intrusion:

“To which girl was the note addressed?”

“Sylvie Plash.”

“Is that the pretty one?” (‘Personal attention and care of the joint head mistresses for each girl‘, said the Prospectus.)

“No, that’s Eugenie.”

What happens? Well, a princess is coming to the school – Royalty, as she is initially referred to – and the headmistresses and pupils get excited about that. Otherwise, the plot is really just about the dynamics between these two women and their charges – particularly a few girls who are entirely besotted with Miss Antonia. The story doesn’t matter anywhere near as much as the telling, and style is much more compelling than substance here. Brophy writes sentences in the most indirect way. Each page is littered with parentheses, and nothing is told simply. It does mean you can’t rush through a page of writing, but I think it is very successful. It is certainly distinctive.

One is, thought Antonia, smoothing the frilled sleeve of her breakfast négligé (pale: it was not the hour for strong colour), misunderstood.

I’m not sure I could cope with a 400-page novel in this style, but it works very well over 120 pages – with a large font and wide margins. I also don’t know if this is representative of all her writing, but I always applaud an author who can make idiosyncratic writing compelling, characterful, and (above all) readable. Brophy delivers on all fronts and this novella is a really fun way to end my May challenge.

13 thoughts on “Finishing #ABookADayInMay with The Finishing Touch by Brigid Brophy

  • May 31, 2023 at 7:39 pm

    I can see why you compare Brophy’s writing style to Ivy Compton Burnett. That makes me want to read her books more so this is yet another one to look out for. Well done for completing the challenge and thank you for all the wonderfully entertaining and inspiring posts. Are you going to read an 800 page doorstep of a novel next for a change?!

    • June 1, 2023 at 4:02 pm

      Excellent! And you’d think, wouldn’t you, but I’m actually going straight onto the book group book for next Mon…

    • June 1, 2023 at 4:01 pm

      thanks Karen!

  • May 31, 2023 at 10:13 pm

    Hooray! Congratulations Simon, and great that you enjoyed this final read of the month. It does sound wonderful. I’ve not read Brophy but I know I’ve got King of a Rainy Country buried somewhere…

    • June 1, 2023 at 4:01 pm

      Thanks Madame B! I have one more by her, The Snow Ball, which I often hear referred to as her best.

    • June 1, 2023 at 4:00 pm

      thanks Emma!

  • June 1, 2023 at 9:28 pm

    This was really fun to follow along with! Congratulations on finishing your challenge :) There were lots here that sounded like they belonged right on my tbr, and the variety was so inspiring.

  • June 3, 2023 at 10:30 am

    Congratulations on completing this project. I couldn’t even keep up with your posts, let alone read a book a day. And people think I read fast!

  • June 4, 2023 at 6:20 pm

    Oh you’ve done so well!! I have enjoyed seeing what you’ve been picking up and all the interaction. Congratulations!

    • June 12, 2023 at 12:30 pm

      thanks for sending these :)


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