House Happy by Muriel Resnik

House Happy (1958) by Muriel Resnik is one of the books I’ve bought for my Project 24 – I’d seen it every time I’ve been to Astley Book Farm, and I finally couldn’t resist and had to splurge a little to bring it home with me. The cover has a lot to do with it – as does the intriguing subtitle ‘A Tale of Mortgages and Mirth’. And it ended up being a lot of fun.

The cover is very accurate about the starting point of the novel – which begins with the bedframe you can see in the bottom left. Lucy Butler is a divorced mother of two who is drawn to elegance and beauty even when it is impractical. And one of the things that catches her eye is a beautiful French bedframe – which is only five dollars. By the time she’s got it delivered it costs several times that, and the chain of events it kicks off is extremely expensive. Because she decides she needs a new home to fit the bedframe – and sets her heart on one that she certainly can’t afford.

Lucy Butler reminds me a lot of Cornelia Otis Skinner’s essays – the same sort of amusement at being expected to take part in everyday life, and the same ability to get through it absurdly but in tact. While Skinner is very self-deprecating, Lucy seems to coast along on naivety and charm. She is certainly attractive to most men – particularly when she walks, which is a detail Resnik labours and which feels very of its time. (Allegedly her husband left her because she walked too seductively, which… ok.)

I kept thinking of other novels as I read House Happy, the trouble being that they’re not really household names and thus the comparisons might not be helpful. The tone is like Thorne Smith, albeit several notches less farcical; the sequence of events is rather like Eric Rabkin’s Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House, though without the underlying sense of tragedy. It all feels a bit like a screwball comedy, tethered to the domestic.

My favourite scenes were when Lucy looked on as a helpless bystander, dizzied by proceedings, particularly when trying to exchange contracts as the housing solicitors (curious spellings Resnik’s own!):

They brought in a chair for me and had a terrible time finding room for it, and then the secretary started reading the most boring contract all about the party of the first part and the party of the second part and one of them was me but I don’t know which. And it was full of whereases and therefors and wherefors and so forth and Arthur kept interrupting with his silly ideas about changing a whereas to a wherefor or the other way round. Really he’s so petty and it was just terrible.

Similar confusion and frustration happens when she is trying to arrange garbage collection – a saga that I very much enjoyed. Many details of finding, buying, and moving into a new house haven’t really changed in the decades since Resnik this, though I doubt many of us find tens of thousands of dollars becoming suddenly available when we take a closer look at our property portfolios.

I haven’t mentioned any of the other characters, and it’s true that Lucy is the undisputed star, but I also enjoyed her cynical sister and her two teenage sons – one of whom is very excited about the move, and the other keeps trying to put obstacles in the way. And yes, there is a romance element, of course. It’s not the most convincing element, but I was happy to go along for the ride.

Overall, House Happy is a good mix of domestic detail and silliness, and I really enjoyed my time in House Happy. It’s too intentionally absurd in tone to have the sort of mimesis that appears in lots of novels about mid-century housewives and mothers – but it’s something different, and joyful.

18 thoughts on “House Happy by Muriel Resnik

  • September 11, 2022 at 9:44 pm

    Oh my gosh, want. I loved Mr Blandings Builds his Dream House. This seems right up my alley as well. A quick search of Abe shows me that I can find this author’s work, so if I like House Happy, then I’ll have many others to choose from. Thanks for this review!

    • September 15, 2022 at 11:50 am

      Hurrah! Would love to know what you think

    • September 15, 2022 at 12:48 pm

      I can’t find Muriel Resnik’s House Happy on abe books. Did you find that title was available? Tips for searching would be appreciated!

  • September 11, 2022 at 9:58 pm

    This is fascinating. I have previously known of Muriel Resnik as the author of the hit boulevard comedy of the 1960s, Any Wednesday — and of a book about how she came to write it (her first and, as far as I know, only play), and the travails of its first production. In the latter, I learned that she lived in NYC and knew people in the theatrical and TV world there, which made me wonder just what else she might have written over the years. Now I know! Thank you for this.

    • September 15, 2022 at 11:49 am

      ooo I am very intrigued, Rinaldo – what’s the name of the book about writing it? I love that sort of thing!

    • September 15, 2022 at 11:48 am

      Yes, exactly! I couldn’t resist for that reason.

  • September 12, 2022 at 8:58 pm

    This sounds super. A candidate for a reprint somewhere (DSP maybe)?

    • September 15, 2022 at 11:48 am

      I was reading with one eye on British Library, of course, though I don’t think it’s quite right for that series. And there are a few moments which wouldn’t be reprinted. But if DSP are interested…!

      • September 19, 2022 at 9:08 pm

        Yeah, I thought it didn’t sound quite right for BL myself which I should have expressed better. Would be a nice one for DSP!

  • September 14, 2022 at 2:04 pm

    I love the look of this book. What a lovely book jacket. The story sounds just my sort of thing too. Sadly, this one seems to be quite a difficult one to source but will look out for it in secondhand shops. It reminds me in a way of Lettice Cooper’s The New House, which I really enjoyed.

    • September 15, 2022 at 11:47 am

      Isn’t the jacket lovely? Interesting about New House, because it is similar theme and so, so different in style!

      • September 15, 2022 at 12:23 pm

        Yes, I agree, The New House is sad and poignant rather than comic despite being concerned with the same theme.

  • September 17, 2022 at 9:40 pm

    The cover is delightful. Does it say the name of the artist? There is something very familiar about it.

    When I was an editor, one of my regency authors was in the midst of designing and building a home in Nevada. Her next book was called Lord Barry’s Dream House and it had a lot of entertaining information about building a 19th century home and an anachronistic lady architect but not much romance, as I recall! I remember I enjoyed it but was not sure her readers would . . .

    • September 24, 2022 at 8:02 pm

      I would certainly enjoy Lord Barry’s Dream House! :D The cover artist is Mircea Vasiliu – from googling, he seems to have done quite a few children’s books

  • September 18, 2022 at 9:58 pm

    I didn’t know that Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House was a book. I’ve seen the movie with Cary Grant and Myrna Loy (1948) & it has some very funny scenes. I’ll see if I can find the book, and also find a copy of House Happy because it sounds great too.

    • September 24, 2022 at 8:00 pm

      I’ve been meaning to try the film, after reading it – I believe it was remade as a film with Tom Hanks too. The novel follows quite a simple structure, so I imagine both movies might need to add more details.

  • October 14, 2022 at 10:30 am

    The cover in itself would attract me to this book – very nostalgic and the house reminds me somewhat of New York’s brownstones. It sounds like such a fun plot – I just loved the excerpt in the solicitors office. She sounds eccentric and relaxed.


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