Murder Included by Joanna Cannan – #NovNov Day 5

A murder mystery is a fun choice for my novella-a-day challenge, because I always wants to finish a murder mystery in one day – and it’s only the length that stops me. Quite spontaneously, I took Murder Included by Joanna Cannan off the shelf this morning. It was published in 1950, though seemed to me to be set a decade or two earlier. Confusingly, it has also been published as A Taste of Murder and Poisonous Relations, which could be handy information if you want to track it down – and I recommend you do, because I thought it was really excellent.

Perhaps the title has been changed because it isn’t instantly obvious what it means, at least to more modern eyes. It refers to the idea of ‘breakfast included’ or ‘baths included’ – whatever features and facilities might be mentioned by somebody advertising rooms. Because the setting is Aston Park, a palatial ancestral home that has recently opened up to ‘paying guests’. I.e. it’s a hotel retaining a veneer of titled pride.

Sir Charles d’Estray lives there with his new wife Barbara, known as Bunny, a fairly highbrow novelist. They haven’t been married long, but it’s long enough for Bunny to realise that an overhaul is needed to avoid bankruptcy – so she spearheads the paying guests venture. Both halves of the marriage have at least one child – Sir Charles has three, all horsey and disdainful, while Bunny’s daughter Lisa is the main reason she has agreed to a marriage that never particularly appealed. She wants stability. They have lived in France for a long time, poor and with an unsalubrious crowd, and seeing Lisa expertly resurrect a drunken man at the age of twelve has convinced Bunny to take her to English respectability.

All has been going well, with various fairly long-term paying guests – some relations of the d’Estrays and others strangers – when one of them is found dead. Elizabeth – one of the relatives; a cousin – has been poisoned.

A death in a crowded country pile is hardly a novelty for the murder mystery, but there were various things that made Murder Included stand out for me. One is the cleverness of the solution, which naturally I won’t spoil – but it does include a neat trick that I don’t remember seeing used anywhere else. But the main reason I loved this book is Cannan’s writing. Here’s the police detective, Price, arriving at the scene:

He had kept silence as a loutish local constable drove him through the October dusk over hills to wrought-iron gates, yew hedges, and Elizabethan gables. A doddering parasite of a butler had shown him into this large, over-crowded, shabby, so-called study, where Colonel Blimp, after nearly wringing his hand off, had turned ‘Susie – little woman’ out of a chair and expected him to sit down in it. Now, fussing about with cut-glass decanter and silver cigarette box, he was doing his best to turn an important conference into a cosy chat.

(Susie, for the avoidance of doubt, is a dog – and Colonel Blimp is a reference to the archetype, not a character in Murder Included.) Price has been sent in from Scotland Yard because the local police are too biased in favour of the respected family and the house’s servants, many of whom are related to police officers. And Price doesn’t have any time for this sort of set up. He has his prejudices about rural people, titled people, and more or less anybody who isn’t a left-wing urbanite like himself.

Cannan can be very funny, and she spears characters so mercilessly well. That means she can make us really like the people we’re meant to like, such as Bunny and Lisa. But others are definitely victims of her pen. I’m not sure if we are meant to actively dislike Price, and she apparently did use him for other murder mysteries, but he definitely isn’t the sympathetic detective hero that many novelists would use. Here he is questioning teenage Lisa…

‘I’m sure you’re a very clever little girl. I’m sure if anyone – even a grown-up person – annoyed you, you’d get the better of them.’

Lisa looked puzzled. ‘I’m not in the least clever. I’ve never got the better of anyone. Actually if someone annoys me I answer back, but I generally get the worst of it.’

‘And then do you brood over it and think out your revenge?’

‘Good gracious no! I’m not a character out of Wuthering Heights,’ said Lisa, laughing merrily.

Elizabeth isn’t the last person to die in the story – it would hardly be a classic murder mystery if she were. And perhaps the book is published a little late to truly be of peak Golden Age, though it’s up there with the best examples I’ve read in terms of economy, style, and plot.

In fact, I would give it that great accolade, which is all too rare of detective fiction: I’d have loved it just as much if there hadn’t been a murder at all.

12 thoughts on “Murder Included by Joanna Cannan – #NovNov Day 5

  • November 6, 2021 at 2:02 am

    I enjoy all 5 of Cannon’s mysteries with Price as detective. A type of snarky humor that appeals to me.

  • November 6, 2021 at 2:12 am

    I love the idea of wanting to read a mystery in a single day. But I think I follow the opposite rule in some ways, because I love the idea of having at least one book in my stack that’s guaranteed to pull my focus in, hard and fast, even if I’ve not picked it up for a few days (because I always have a dozen or so, on the go, one for every mood one can imagine), so often a mystery ticks that box for me. Would you believe that I don’t have a single green Penguin? Shameful. I know.

  • November 6, 2021 at 7:57 am

    Ooooh, this one does appeal! I’ve read another Cannan, High Table, which was very different, but she has a talent for conjuring up an atmosphere of things past their prime.

    • November 22, 2021 at 12:32 am

      I have that one waiting for me!

  • November 6, 2021 at 12:29 pm

    Sounds like a great read, both the story and the thickness. I have not heard of her before, but will definitely look out for the book. I love these English, countryside, manor house, mysteries.

  • November 6, 2021 at 1:34 pm

    Sounds marvellous, Simon. I’ve not read any of her detective stories and so don’t know what’s available but will check them out. Maybe she’s due a reprint….

  • November 6, 2021 at 5:04 pm

    Sounds like a real corker to me! And I like this title – the others are inane, to be honest!

  • November 6, 2021 at 5:15 pm

    Oh, this is the first of a series of five books! Interesting. I see Amazon is selling the eBook at a reasonable price… hm…

  • November 11, 2021 at 5:26 pm

    I hadn’t heard of Joanna Cannon before this morning, when I was reading The Private World of Georgette Heyer, and she’s mentioned as an early friend of Heyer’s. This books sounds fun!

    • November 22, 2021 at 12:30 am

      Oh I didn’t know that! Interesting


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