Novella a Day in May: Days 9 and 10

I will try to keep doing these daily, and I am reading novellas daily, but I had so little to say about Day 9 that I thought I’d better roll these into one…

Day 9: Every Eye (1956) by Isobel English

One of the shortest Persephone books, I’d somehow started and quit this one before. And I thought I’d go back and… well, I can see why I didn’t much bother about it before. It’s about Hatty going away away on honeymoon with a much younger husband, Stephen. That’s the present day plot, but much of it looks back at previous journeys, previous relationships, and particularly her aunt Cynthia and Hatty’s ill-fated relationship with a man called Jasper.

Some people really love this book, but I found the whole thing both confusing and negligible. I often didn’t know which timeline we were in, as it flitted back and half between paragraphs, and there was nothing in it to capture my attention. The writing, in isolation, is precise and rather lovely – but in such a way that I never felt particularly keen to look at sentences out of isolation. As a whole, it felt like a stagnant 119 pages to me.

A Change for the Better - WikipediaDay 10: A Change for the Better (1969) by Susan Hill

I had much more success with today’s novella, which I loved. Hill was still only her mid-20s when she wrote this story of people in a seaside community – and if you are immediately reminded of Elizabeth Taylor’s A View of the Harbour, then keep that comparison in mind. If Hill’s writing is not quite like Taylor’s, being here a little less piercing and a little more comforting, these characters and stories could easily have been lifted from a Taylor novel.

The canvas is a little less wide, and I think that is to the novel’s advantage – many books that take a small society as their scene end up cramming in too many characters. Here, it is really two households that are focal. One is Deirdre Fount and her mother Mrs Oddicott, who run the draper’s, and Deirdre Fount’s 11-year-old son from her brief marriage. The marriage had been impetuous and ended in a wise divorce, with the absent Fount mentioned as seldom as possible.

Deirdre Fount had never questioned her mother’s view of the whole affair, had been entirely influenced in her behaviour and beliefs by Mrs Oddicott. She found it hard now to separate what actually had happened from what her mother had always predicted would happen, and she could remember no conversations with Aubrey, no relationship, no intimacy, that was not intruded upon by her mother. It was as though, having used men to provide them with a status and offspring, to ward off the shames of spinsterhood, they were ready to discard them and sink back into their closed, female society.

As you can see, they don’t have the healthiest relationship – but Hill gives subtlety to the usual portrait of a domineering mother, because the power shifts back and forth between them. It even passes to the 11 year old. Each needs the others, but also needs freedom, and the uneasy dynamic never stays still.

The other household is an older couple living in a hotel – Major Carpenter and his wife Flora. He is one of the most realistically infuriating characters I’ve ever come across. His life is spent in selfish complaining, but each complaint is phrased in a way that makes Flora seem selfish, thoughtless or hectoring. Throughout the book, but particularly in scenes with these characters, Hill is brilliant at dialogue. It’s impossible to refute what Major Carpenter says, because he uses logic like a weapon. But, oh, he is appalling. But even he is treated with some sympathy – part of his unkind and self-centred nature comes from a terrible fear of illness and death.

Alongside nuanced character portraits, there is plenty that happens in A Change for the Better. Nothing is static, even in lives that don’t feel like they are developing. It all reminded me a little of the ‘well-made play’ – characters neatly doing enough to make a good, solid plot. And I found it absolutely enthralling and wonderful, a perfect balance between event and observation.

The only thing I would add, which could be either criticism or praise depending on your point of view, is that A Change for the Better feels very like a novel by someone who has learned more from reading than from life. I suppose most of us end up learning more from reading, since it encompasses much wider experience – but this feels especially like a novel built from reading many other novels. A few details suggest that it’s set contemporaneously, in the 1960s, but without those I could easily have believed it 1930s or even earlier. All this means that it doesn’t quite have the vividness of lived experience, but that is a quality that I am willing to sacrifice for something as satisfying as A Change for the Better.

11 thoughts on “Novella a Day in May: Days 9 and 10

  • May 11, 2022 at 7:04 am

    I’m sure I’ve read Every Eye and enjoyed it, but it’s entirely faded from my memory. Even with your description I can’t remember a single thing about it!

    A Change for the Better sounds wonderful. I’ve never read Susan Hill but this sounds a great place to start.

    • May 12, 2022 at 4:20 pm

      Yes, she is so different in different places that I haven’t got my head around all her styles, but this is a great novel to being either way.

  • May 11, 2022 at 7:18 am

    I too was underwhelmed by ‘Every Eye’ and wondered why Persephone had chosen to publish it.

    • May 12, 2022 at 4:20 pm

      Their choices are so often wonderful, and then there’s the occasional dud.

  • May 11, 2022 at 8:00 am

    So pleased you enjoyed A Change for the Better, which is my favourite Susan Hill novel. My experience of reading Every Eye was exactly as you describe. I felt I was missing something but I couldn’t find a focus.

    • May 12, 2022 at 4:19 pm

      So glad you love this Hill too, Deb, and equally glad to have an ally on Every Eye :D

  • May 11, 2022 at 2:09 pm

    Gosh! I’m going to have to differ with you as Every Eye was one of my first Persephones and I loved it! Thought it was so clever and with a killer ending! But as we often say, it would be dull if we all liked the same books!! 🤣

    • May 12, 2022 at 4:19 pm

      Very glad you enjoyed it! I read the end and thought ‘ugh, I don’t care’ :D

  • May 12, 2022 at 7:55 am

    I’ve read only one novella by Hill, The Woman in Black, and really didn’t care for it at all. Every word seemed to be an adjective. Haven’t felt motivated to try anything else by her since.

    • May 12, 2022 at 4:18 pm

      Her writing is very different in different places, so there might be a genre that you much prefer her in. If you do ever try her again, I think this or In The Springtime of the Year could be great books to try.

  • May 15, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    Oh, the Hill does sound good and well done for getting your novella a day done so beautifully!


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