Reading, writing, theatring

The next issue of Shiny New Books is coming out next Thursday, so I’m at my usual stage of reading and writing madly, wishing I’d allowed myself more time to do so… but I’m also enjoying the books tremendously, so it is no hardship.

I thought I should put something down quickly, as I mentioned A Century of Books yesterday. No, I haven’t started again – but I am going to finish off the 100 at some point this year, since I failed to cram it all in 2014. So, no rush at all – I’ve got about 20 years to fill, or thereabouts, and books pencilled in for most of them. But that’s my only challenge for the year. I toyed with a few others, but I think it’ll be nice just to read what I fancy for a bit. My Shiny New Books commitments will be plenty enough for the year, not to mention book groups and the like.

One event I am still hoping to participate in is Margery Sharp Day. You can read Jane’s reminder post, and hopefully be similarly cajoled. I’ve had plenty of her books on my shelves, unread, for years and years – since I read The Foolish Gentlewoman in about 2002 – so there’s no reason why I wouldn’t, expect for those shiny books I’ve yet to finish… well, we’ll see.

Apart from that, I’m off to Malvern on Saturday to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong – the pantomime equivalent of The Play That Goes Wrong – and to the cinema on Sunday for The Theory of Everything. I think I need another Christmas break fairly soon…

2 thoughts on “Reading, writing, theatring

  • January 23, 2015 at 8:57 am

    Ah – that explains things. I managed 49 last year, in my "organic" way (i.e. not really going out to get books just for their year … except when I did). I must have a look at your 60s and 70s for some inspiration! I only have the Forsyte Saga and starting some Trollope in addition to the in-the-background Reading A Century – feels good, I have to say.

  • January 25, 2015 at 9:09 am

    I've recently kickstarted my own review site, I'd love for you to check it out.


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