Something Childish and other stories by Katherine Mansfield

This review is part of The 1924 Club. To discover more, and see all the reviews so far from across the blogosphere, visit my hub post or Karen’s hub page.

Something Childish

When I found out that Vulpes Libris were doing a Short Story Theme Week again, I thought Something Childish by Katherine Mansfield would be the perfect book to kill two birds with one stone – 1924 AND short stories? Yes please. Head over to Vulpes Libris to read my thoughts about it.


2 thoughts on “Something Childish and other stories by Katherine Mansfield

  • October 22, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    Hi, Simon, I would have loved to participate in your club if there was more notice. I usually am reading a few months ahead of publication and writing up my reviews about six weeks ahead. Although I can fit in the odd book here and there, it is a little more difficult to be flexible. This means that if someone opens up a read-along that I’m interested in, I usually am too booked up to participate (not to pun or anything, not me!). Anyway, given, say, a month or two of notice, I might be able to participate in the next one. Now, don’t tell me that you did that, because then I’ve just been inattentive and didn’t notice the announcements of the 1924 club until a week or two ago.

  • October 23, 2015 at 2:58 pm

    Six weeks ahead! Wow, I do mine, I don’t know, six minutes ahead. Write it & get rid of it. Some of the conversations I have about books would get tricky. My answers would mostly be “I don’t remember – that was months ago!”


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