Stuck in a Book’s Weekend Miscellany

Hope you’re having a fantastic weekend! I’ve had a super busy week, and am enjoying sitting down and doing nothing for a bit. If you’re doing the same, amuse myself yourself with a book, a link, and a blog post.

1.) The book – isn’t new at all, but I bought it in Oxfam yesterday, and it was a fun example of the sort of quirky book waiting out there if you hunt… The Adventures of Gabriel in his Search for Mr Shaw by W.R. Mathews. It’s about the Angel Gabriel trying to find George Bernard Shaw, and meeting several interloper-doppelgänger. Because… why not?

2.) The link – Our Vicar told me about a few A.A. Milne stories being done on Radio 4 – hurrah! I haven’t listened yet, but I’m sure they’ll be fun.

3.) The blog post – Lyn at I Prefer Reading is doing a great series of looking at individual shelves from her bookcases, and what do bibliophiles love more than having a shufti at other people’s books? The second post is here; yes, I chose it because Miss Hargreaves is there. And The L-Shaped Room, which I’m currently massively enthused about making EVERYBODY read.

6 thoughts on “Stuck in a Book’s Weekend Miscellany

  • May 30, 2015 at 3:45 pm

    OK, OK – I will search out a copy of the L Shaped Room, since you are so insistent – you *are* most often right about books…… :)

  • May 30, 2015 at 9:52 pm

    The L shaped room sounds interesting – I reserve judgement for now ;)

    I am gearing up for Mary Hocking week – which I feel I have banged on enough about for quite a while. I spent a lovely laxy Saturday morning reading the end of her 1968 novel A Time of War – which I will review next week. It concerns a group of Wrens on a fleet-air training station in the West Country. After a bit of a shop at lunchtime I settled in this afternoon (beofe dragging th hoover around) with a couple of short Sylvia Townsend Warner stories for the reading week I didn’t have time to join in with.

  • May 31, 2015 at 12:59 am

    I’ll pick up The L Shaped Room on my next library visit! It sounds wonderful.

  • May 31, 2015 at 12:50 pm

    Thanks for the link to my blog, Simon, I’m glad you’re enjoying looking at my shelves. I wonder how many more of your favourites are there to be found?


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