Stuck-in-a-Book’s Weekend Miscellany

1.) The link: Well, there it is above. This weekend I’m feeling quite silly, and those much-promised book reviews will have to take a back seat for… a video of a kitten discovering a mirror. When people feel low they might eat chocolate, watch a favourite film, have Prozac… I go to YouTube and search for ‘kitten’ and ‘mirror’. Not that I’m feeling down at the moment – I just thought it would be a good ‘link’ to choose for the link, book, and blog post… Ok, I wanted any excuse. This is something you don’t get in The Telegraph.

That’s the link, then… now for the others.

2.) The blog post: Hayley at Desperate Reader has written a rather lovely post today, which covers all the wonderful bases of blogging – good news to share, a good book, a good recipe. And she links back to my blog too, so what more could you *possibly* ask for? Go along and enjoy all three… and enjoy the beautiful pictures she has along the side column, too.

3.) The book: I try to write about something interesting which is in the backlog… so step forward Lord Lucan: My Story ‘edited’ by William Coles. You might remember Coles from the Othello-meets-Notes-on-a-Scandal and rather good novel The Well-Tempered Clavier, which I wrote about here. And, what do you know, he’s happened to stumble across the secret memoir of Lord Lucan, the peer who disappeared in 1974… (In case you don’t know who the real Lord Lucan is, have a shufty here. Don’t you love Wikipedia.) Coles is very amusing and this could prove a quirky, interesting, and unique read… I’ll let you know what I think one day, but for now there’s a heads-up in case you’re interested!

3 thoughts on “Stuck-in-a-Book’s Weekend Miscellany

  • October 10, 2009 at 8:10 am

    Oh wow Lord Lucan – that brings back memories. In the summer of 1975 when my friends and I took our A levels, Lord l was still on the loose. We finished our last exam and and dashed down to Cornwall to stay in a caravan at the bottom of a field, neara a small wood. On our second night as the dark crept in, a helicopter passed over, returning several times.
    "It's Lord Lucan" proclaimed C. "Here's been hiding out round here and he's coming to get us….". For those who don't know, LL disappeared just after his children's nanny had been murdered.
    Needless to say all 3 of us squeezed into one bed that night and fought for the middle place.

  • October 11, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    Such a cute kitten…and clever too!

    I've just put an Apple Bundt Cake in the oven but those cinnamon buns look very tempting. Don't you just love this time of year for baking and the aroma of cinnamon! Nicely done Desperate Reader.


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