StuckinaBook’s Weekend Miscellany

Hello! I’ve been very quiet in June, perhaps as a reaction to all those book reviews (albeit mini reviews) during A Book A Day in May. It’s also been a really busy time – but good things. I saw Taylor Swift! I went to a lovely wedding! I’m off this weekend to see two of my new godchildren! It’s been full of fun, and also full of hayfever. (Summer has also only just come, it feels like, so I think I’ve read in my garden twice this year – normally it would be well into the dozens by now.)

I’ll give you an update next week on how A Century of Books is going at the halfway point (I have good and bad news), and Rachel and I will be recording the next Tea or Books? episode on 11 July – if you fancy joining in, we’re reading A Bookshop of One’s Own by Jane Cholmeley and A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf. Incidentally, I was telling a friend about the latter today, and she thought I was saying A Room of One Zone. Quite tempted to write that book now?

I hope you have a lovely weekend up ahead, and here’s to the excitement of a General Election next week (and, I’m crossing fingers, a long-awaited change). I’ll leave you, as ever, with a book, a blog post, and a link.

1.) The blog post –  I think Radhika is one of the very best blog reviewers out there, and this week she’s turned her attention to my favourite R.C. Sherriff novel, Greengates.

2.) The book – Have I mentioned yet that Edward Carey has a new novel coming out? I’ve loved his books since I first picked one up in 2008, and he made a big splash with Little, about Madame Tussaud. The latest is called Edith Holler – about a young a woman in 1901 Norwich who is forbidden, by her father, from leaving the playhouse she lives in. What a marvellous, Careyesque premise. It’s not out in the UK until October, though apparently has been out in the US since late last year.

3.) The link – Voting this week and haven’t decided yet? This is a handy tool to find out which parties most align with your politics. (And this is a handy tool for helping with tactical voting, if that’s your jam.)

4 thoughts on “StuckinaBook’s Weekend Miscellany

  • June 29, 2024 at 10:07 am

    That’s a new to me R C Sherriff–it sounds wonderful and so realistic in its portrayal of retired life–I know of a couple of wives who’ve had much the same to say about newly retired husbands interfering in their routines and the running of the house. Must look it up.

    Looking forward to seeing how your elections turn out. Ours came with their surprises but were much too acrimonious all through.

  • June 29, 2024 at 3:16 pm

    Thanks for a lovely weekend miscellany. Glad your quietness on the blog front has been because of good busyness. I’m still enjoying acquiring and reading titles from your May marathon and looking forward to listening to the next tea or books. I already have picked my book for the ‘book-off’!

    It was lovely to read Radhika’s review; Greengates is one of my favourite Persephone books.

    The link to help with voting choice was helpful too – I had not come across that one. Thankfully it confirmed my postal vote (too late to change now!) but it was interesting how little difference all the parties’ stance was based on my questionnaire. I think they all those ibn authority very much need our prayers!

  • June 29, 2024 at 6:52 pm

    Glad you’ve been having a lovely month Simon. We have used the tactical voting tool here – desperate for that change you mention… 😳

  • June 29, 2024 at 8:30 pm

    Thank you for your kind words Simon and for also linking to my post:) Greengates really was a brilliant novel, Sherriff captures ordinary life so well. Definitely a contender for my year end list.


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