Project 24: Book #5

It is very surprising to me how many of my Project 24 books so far have been IN PRINT. It’s quite unusual for me at the best of times, but particularly when I’m narrowing my gaze to limited buying. Truth be told, Perfection by Vincenzo Latronico wasn’t on my radar at all – but I need to read it for the next episode of ‘Tea or Books?’

Perfection (Paperback)

I’ve read lots of Fitzcarraldo’s non-fiction, but this will be my first delve into their fiction. And look how zeitgeisty, it’s just been nominated for the International Booker, or something like that.

Not where I thought Project 24 would take me – but pleased that I’m still very much on track with my rations.

Project 24: Book Four

I’m on track with Project 24 – buying just 24 books in 2025 – with my restrained rate of two-per-month. It was while reading Pipers and a Dancer by Stella Benson that I decided I should probably make sure I had all her novels – and Goodbye, Stranger is thus added to my shelves. It hasn’t been reprinted by Mike Walmer yet, though I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

Now, maybe I should actually read one or two of the books I’ve bought so far this year.

Project 24: Book Three

We’re halfway through February, and that means I’m due another book under Project 24, right?

I was in London for a couple of days, and remembered about a lovely little bookshop called Walden Books, in Camden. I’ve only been there once before, in 2017, when I was also doing Project 24. Top of my agenda for 2026 is making sure I go there when I’m not restricted in my book-buying, as there seems to be a really good range of affordably priced books.

But I did not come away empty-handed, of course.

Jane Seth-Smith wasn’t a name I recognised, but I love the set up of multiple generations living together – and the copy was signed by Jane Seth-Smith, which is a fun bonus.

And then I discovered that Scott had reviewed this one a couple of years ago! It has tempered my expectations – it seems to be a fun novel, rather than a brilliant one – but perhaps exactly right for a certain mood.

Project 24: Books 1 and 2

Project 24 is in full swing! If you missed it, it’s a year where I only buy 24 books for myself. This must be the fourth time I’ve done Project 24, at least, and it’s always a fun experiment in (a) seeing what priorities I make and (b) going slightly mad. I’ve already started dreaming about buying books. I wish I were joking.

It doesn’t take a mathematician to spot that 24 books in a year is two books a month – though, of course, sometimes a trip to a bookshop can use up a few months’ worth in one fell swoop.

As it is, we are nearing the end of January and I’ve already bought my first two books for the year – here they are:

First up is Latchkey Ladies by Marjorie Grant. It’s been on my wishlist for a long time, ever since Handheld Press republished it – and it might have stayed there for a long time, except the Handheld Press closing down sale made me realise I’d better leap quickly. In a non-Project-24 year, I might have bought far more in the sale. Their catalogue is so wide-ranging that I never knew whether or not I’d like a book they published, but some of their choices were excellent and I have high hopes this will be among them.

And I wasn’t planning on getting The Odd Woman and the City by Vivian Gornick, an author who was only on my horizons as a guest on the Unburied Books podcast… but then Jacqui reviewed it. Well, if you can read that review and not order it immediately, then you’re a stronger person than me. I’m very into books in vignettes at the moment, and Daunt Books are always a safe bet for excellently chosen books – wide-ranging too, but impeccably picked. I instantly ordered it to my local Waterstones and here it is!

Normally I prioritise secondhand books during Project 24, because the chances of coming across particular books is obviously less guaranteed than if I can just order it from a bookshop next year – but I’m sure you can see why these two books HAD to end up my shelves.

I’ll keep you posted with my Project 24 choices, and I look forward to getting through some of the many hundreds of unread books on my shelves.

Project 24: the final book (and all the books)

I hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas! I’ll be honest, my ongoing eye issues are making book blogging a bit tricky – so I’ll pop in with my Best Books of 2022 on New Year’s Eve, and otherwise I’ll probably have a little hiatus. The treatment isn’t working yet, but I’ve also had flu, so that hasn’t helped. Hurrah for audiobooks but, gosh, I miss reading.

So I wasn’t really in the mood for buying my 24th book for Project 24, if I’m honest – but then realised a perfect choice could be some Mary Oliver. It’s much easier to read a poem than a page of text, and I’ve been wanting to try Oliver for a while. I was a bit worried she’d be too self-helpy for me, but asked Twitter for recommendations – and Heather suggested A Thousand Mornings. And so that is my final book purchase of the 24 books I bought in 2022 (and, no, I shan’t be doing the project next year.)

A Thousand Mornings: Oliver, Mary: 9781472153760: Books

And, so I have them in one place, here are the 24 books I bought this year… I’ll do more of an overview at some point, but this will do for now.

1.) The Flowering Thorn by Margery Sharp
2.) House Happy by Muriel Resnik
3.) Murder on the Second Flood by Frank Vosper
4.) Why I’m Not A Millionaire by Nancy Spain
5.) The Patience of a Saint by G.B. Stern
6.) In Pious Memory by Margery Sharp
7.) The Chase by Mollie Panter-Downes
8.) The Deepening Stream by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
9.) The Home by Penelope Mortimer
10.) In No Strange Land by Jane Oliver
11.) The Fiery Gate by Ronald Fraser
12.) The Old Moat House by Eleonora H. Stooke
13.) The Comfort Tree by Stella Martin Currey
14.) War Isn’t Wonderful by Ursula Bloom
15.) Jim Comes Home by Frank Tilsey
16.) More Joy in Heaven by Sylvia Townsend Warner
17.) Fifty Forgotten Books by R.B. Russell
18.) Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman
19.) Spring Always Comes by Elizabeth Cambridge
20.) The Crime of Sheila McGough by Janet Malcolm
21.) The First To Die At The End by Adam Silvera
22.) Ducks by Kate Beaton
23.) Sea State by Tabitha Lasley
24.) A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver

Embarrassingly, I thought I was doing quite a good job of reading them this year – but, it turns out, I’ve only actually read seven of these books. But they’re all books that I’m pleased have ended up my shelves – and, eyes permitting, I’d be keen to get to any and all of them in 2023.

Project 24: Book 23

My blogging has been a bit minimal of late, and that’s because I’ve been having ongoing issues with my eyes – including not really being able to read. Which, I’m sure you’ll understand, has been really difficult for me. After lots of back and forth to the optometrist, they think they’ve worked out what the issue is and I have treatment now – so I’m quietly hopeful that I’ll be able to spend some of the Christmas break reading. But I’ve been listening to lots of audiobooks, so thank goodness for them.

Anyway, in the midst of this my 23rd book arrived for Project 24 – the project where I’m only allowing myself to buy 24 books through the year. I shipped Sea State by Tabitha Lasley from America, because the US cover is so much nicer than the UK cover. To be honest, I ordered this in a ‘I really need to order a book’ mode, and I don’t know if it’s otherwise something I’d have raced towards – but it looks interesting nonetheless. I saw Dorian tweet about it and I’m always drawn to unusual memoirs. Here’s some of the publisher’s description: ‘In her mid-thirties and newly free from a terrible relationship, Tabitha Lasley quit her job at a London magazine, packed her bags, and poured her savings into a six-month lease on an apartment in Aberdeen, Scotland. She decided to make good on a long-deferred idea for a book about oil rigs and the men who work on them. Why oil rigs? She wanted to see what men were like with no women around.’

Only one book left to buy this year. To be honest, with my eyes as they are at the mo, the idea of buying a book seems a far cry. But here’s hoping.

Project 24: 19, 20, 21, 22

I went for quite a while without buying any of my allotted 24 books under Project 24. And then, dear reader, the dam burst. I couldn’t stop buying. Three of these four were online, and one was from a local bookshop – and, unusually for me, three of these are new books. (There’s also another new book, I guess my 23rd for the year, on its way to me from America – because the US cover is so much nicer than the 24th.)

Here are the four books I bought, and why…

Spring Always Comes by Elizabeth Cambridge

As I said, most of these really came because I was missing book buying. They wouldn’t necessarily have found their way to my shelves with any urgency if it weren’t for me jonesing for buying some books. But Spring Always Comes is the exception. I loved Hostages to Fortune by Elizabeth Cambridge – the one Persephone reprinted – and have read it a few times since 2004, when I first delved in. It’s a domestic novel par excellence – but other Cambridge novels are quite tricky to find. And ever since I read Barb’s 10/10 review of Spring Always Comes, I’ve wanted to get hold of this. And finally a copy turned up online! And now it is MINE.

The Crime of Sheila McGough by Janet Malcolm

Whenever my Malcolm pile gets low, I panic and buy another. And I’m running out. She is just so brilliant. This is her, presumably unusual, take on a investigation into a lawyer who has imprisoned for a crime she says she hasn’t committed.

The First To Die At The End by Adam Silvera

I’m at least two decades older than this book’s audience, but I thought his teen novel They Both Die At The End was really good – the conceit is that, on the day you will die, you get a phone call telling you it will happen. And what a brilliant title! This is a prequel, but I think it’s about two entirely different people.

Ducks by Kate Beaton

Ducks seems to be getting a lot of rave reviews, and I’ve downloaded the One Bright Book episode on it to listen to when I’ve read it. It was on my radar because I follow the author on Twitter, and loved her Hark, A Vagrant cartoon blog for years. She has such an incisive, fun look at literary and historical culture. Ducks is something completely different – a graphic memoir on working in oil sands. I bought a copy for my friend’s birthday and then went back to the bookshop and bought a copy for myself, because it sounded so up my street.

I’ll let you know what the other book is when it arrives – partly because it was my most impulsey of impulse buys and I don’t actually recall the author or the title. What will my final book of the year be?? I was doing really well and now I only have one precious purchase to last me for almost a month…

Project 24: 15, 16, 17, 18

I’m a bit behind with updates on Project 24, but I have been adding to my piles – including a couple of books arriving through the post this week. I’ve only got six books left for the year, but that makes me more or less on track for success. The four books I’ve bought in the past month offer quite a cross-section of the different reasons that books would make it to the top of my wishlist. And here they are…

Jim Comes Home by Frank Tilsley

I don’t actually know anything about Frank Tilsley or this novel, but I chose it for a couple of reasons. I was spending the weekend in Brussels, visiting a friend, and I like to buy a book as a souvenir of a new place – particularly a foreign country. Usually I aim to buy a book by someone from that country (in an English translation), but couldn’t find one that appealed. Instead, this jumped out: I like that this is a book from the Albatross Modern Library (which are very pleasing to the eye under any circumstances), and particularly that it has ‘Bruxelles’ on the cover. Most amusing is the note saying ‘not to be introduced into the British Empire or the USA’. Sorry, publishers, I have introduced it into Britain!

This is part of the description of the novel from the inside flap, which suggested to me that it would be very up my street, souvenirring-aside:

The scene of this novel by Frank Tilsley is a pleasant country village near the sea to which Jim comes home on seven days’ leave. The theme of the book is why he couldn’t go back. It tells of the loyalties and claims of family life, of the nagging day-to-day worries which beset the ordinary man and woman when faced by such overwhelming forces as war, of the deep emotions which lie hidden behind the outward calm so typical of the English character.

More Joy in Heaven by Sylvia Townsend Warner

The green hardback in the picture is More Joy in Heaven, an early collection of short stories by Warner and much harder to find than any of the other collections. I’ve had a wish alert for it at abebooks for a while – this one was more than I’d usually spend on a book, but Project 24 is a great opportunity to invest in those hard-to-find titles that need slightly deeper pockets. I’ve said it a few times here, but Warner’s naturalistic short stories show her writing at its finest – and are, in my opinion, much better than almost all her novels.

Fifty Forgotten Books by R.B. Russell

I mentioned this one a while ago in a Weekend Miscellany – it’s a new book of essays about forgotten books. Having looked through the index, there are a handful of books I love in there (including Miss Hargreaves by Frank Baker, which is what tipped me off that Russell would be worth reading) – and plenty more to discover. Exactly the sort of book I cherish.

Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman

Perhaps the most surprising title in the pile, but I really love Klosterman’s writing. I read But What If We’re Wrong? a few years ago, and recently read The Nineties as an audiobook. I meant to write about it but have yet to get around to it – I went on a Klosterman spree and have also listened to his collections I Wear The Black Hat and Eating the Dinosaur. This collection, Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, isn’t available as an audiobook – and, being very keen to keep reading his funny, unusual takes on the world and his brilliance for making unexpected connections between popular culture and history, I couldn’t resist ordering a secondhand copy of this.

Have you read any of these? Would any of them appeal? I am looking forward to being more fancy-free in my book buying next year, but also feeling very noble at how my reading is outpacing my buying this year.

Project 24: Books 12, 13, 14

When I was in the Lake District recently, I paid a visit to a couple of bookshops. In fact, I made a day trip to visit one – Michael Moon’s Bookshop in Whitehaven. My goodness, what a wonderful place. It sprawls on and on, rooms piling out of rooms, and has a great and affordable stock. If it weren’t for Project 24, I’d have bought a lot more. I’ll have to go back.

The other shop was a secondhand bookshop in Keswick – a smallish stock, with some interesting things. Curiously the bookshop was closed except on Fridays and Saturdays, which doesn’t make a lot of sense for a week of the Keswick Convention with hundreds of people visiting the area, but there we are.

Anyway, here are the three new books I’ve added to my shelves this week, and why I chose them:

The Old Moat House by Eleanora H. Stooke
I was drawn to the lovely dustjacket on this one, and the fact that I love books about houses. From some investigation online, it looks like it was previously published as The Moat House, in the early 1900s. There is very little information about this book online, but Michael Moon’s had two copies. Curious! Stooke seems to have been mostly a writer for children – flicking through this one, it didn’t feel like a children’s book, but that may be what it transpires to be on closer inspection.

The Comfort Tree by Stella Martin Currey
I found One Woman’s Year – a non-fiction journey through a domestic year, reprinted by Persephone – to be totally delightful. So of course I couldn’t resist when I stumbled across one of her novels.

War Isn’t Wonderful by Ursula Bloom
This is a volume of memoirs by Ursula Bloom, aka Mary Essex of Tea Is So Intoxicating fame. I was interested enough to take it off the shelf, whereupon I discovered it was signed by Bloom! A fun addition to the shelves.

I’m 14 books in, and that takes me to the end of July, so I’m on track. I’ve definitely been helped by a handful of interesting review books arriving of late, and finding a tree Michael Innes novel in a box at the side of the road – which, by my not entirely logical rules, I’m allowed to have.

Project 24: Books 10 and 11

On Monday I had the day off, so I decided to go to Hidcote National Trust because I’m young and vibrant. It is a really beautiful garden and June seems like the perfect time to see it. After a wander, I spent quite a while sitting there, reading The Feast by Margaret Kennedy in preparation for the next episode of ‘Tea or Books?’

But while I was up that way, I thought I’d google for local secondhand bookshops – and that’s how I came across Draycott Books in Chipping Camden. It’s less than an hour from my house and somehow I haven’t been before?? Will certainly be rectifying, as it’s a lovely little shop – a great selection of books, affordable and in nice condition. Apparently there’s also a cat, but sadly I didn’t see him/her.

If it weren’t for Project 24, I’d have come away with an armful of books – I left behind a Pamela Frankau I don’t have, the short stories of Theodora Benson, and three boxfuls of Virago Modern Classics (although I did own most of them already). In the end, I chose two –

In No Strange Land by Jane Oliver 

Like lots of us, I loved Jane Oliver and Ann Stafford’s Business As Usual, and I’ve been wondering what their other books are like. The info with the book seemed to suggest they weren’t necessarily of the same calibre – but at least this way I can find out for myself.

The Fiery Gate by Ronald Fraser

I’ve read a couple of books by Fraser, both of which were in my doctoral thesis to different extents – Flower Phantoms (where a woman turns into a plant) and The Flying Draper (where, uh, a draper can fly). Apparently The Fiery Gate is another one of his fantastic narratives – and, while his writing wasn’t particularly brilliant in the novels I’ve read, that’s enough for me to be keen to give it a try.

I’ve jumped ahead of my rationing a little, as 11 books takes me to halfway through July. And I definitely have a bookshop trip or two planned in July. I guess I might have to be particularly abstemious in August!