Some spinsters for Spinster September

It’s September, which means it’s officially Spinster September! It’s the brainchild of Nora (@pear.jelly on Instagram) and it’s a celebration of all the wonderful spinsters of literature. You know I love a novel about spinsters, whether it’s a joyful one where she’s reclaiming her independence or a morose one where she’s all melancholy. It’s all my jam.

My suggestions could be endless, so instead I’m going to go very route one – sharing the books I own that have the word ‘spinster’ in the title! Here we go…

Spinster by Sylvia Ashton-Warner

There’s more than one Sylvia BLANK-Warner on the block for Spinster September! This is a New Zealand novel about a teacher that I was given back in about 2011 but haven’t read yet – it’s the one I’m hoping to read during this month.

Patricia Brent, Spinster by Herbert Jenkins

Oh my gosh I LOVE this novel so much. You might not usually think of Patricia Brent as a spinster, since she is in her mid-20s – but she is feeling the judgement of the old ladies in her boarding house. So she pretends she is engaged and off to meet her fiance. When she is followed, she sits next to a man and welcomes him as her affianced, hoping (successfully) that he plays the part. And, of course, they fall in love. It’s so silly, but a total delight.

Spinsters in Jeopardy by Ngaio Marsh

I bought this murder mystery novel quite recently, on the strength of the title (and having enjoyed one or two other Ngaio Marsh books). Not read yet.

The Indignant Spinsters by Winifred Boggs

Winfired Boggs wrote Sally on the Rocks, a brilliant and surprisingly modern-feeling 1910s novel now reprinted in the British Library Women Writers series. So I had high hopes for this brilliantly titled novel about three sisters who assume fake identities to try and get eligibly married. Sadly, it doesn’t live up to the excellence of the title, or the sophistication of Sally on the Rocks. It felt, instead, like quite disposable romantic fiction.

The Magnificent Spinster by May Sarton

People love this novel, don’t they? I’ve read it, and even done a Tea or Books? episode on it, but I don’t remember a single thing about it. Time to revisit?

What will you be reading during Spinster September?