The Listener by Tove Jansson

It’s no secret that I love Tove Jansson, and I was pleased to get the chance to read the latest collection of her work from Sort Of Books; a new translation (by Thomas Teal) of her first collection for adults, The Listener (1971).

I read it for Shiny New Books; my review is here. You can also win a copy – along with the other editors’ favourites from their sections – by entering the competition on the homepage. And then have a browse!

It feels a bit lazy to be pointing to my reviews elsewhere, but then I remember that I still spent time writing them… probably more time, as I do more double-checking etc. for SNB reviews! And I hope that regular SIAB readers still have fun looking at those reviews.

2 thoughts on “The Listener by Tove Jansson

  • July 14, 2014 at 6:36 am

    I hope it's not lazy, because I do it too. I think of it a bit differently — I know, or imagine, that some people who read my blog haven't yet discovered SNB, and when I'm writing my reviews for that, I long to share my thoughts with them as well.

  • July 14, 2014 at 10:15 am

    I don't think anyone could call you lazy! Shiny New Books is wonderful and worth sharing.


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