The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp by Eva Rice

I was lucky enough to be sent a copy of Eva Rice’s The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp (2013), alongside which was included a lovely note from the author herself, hoping I’d enjoy it.  Well, I did – it is everything that is splendid and lovely and jolly and fun, even while taking you on a trek through the emotions.

My full thoughts are over on Vulpes Libris today, but quickly – if you’ve ever hoped that Nancy Mitford were alive and well and writing 21st-century novels, then this is as close as you’re going to get.

10 thoughts on “The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp by Eva Rice

  • January 28, 2014 at 9:44 am

    Simon, I enjoyed your review, I think I might like Eva Rice's books, especially right now with an inspection of the school where I work looming, lots of extra paperwork and panicking… But I am unreasonably disturbed by the legs on the cover of the book. I don't know why, I'm sure they're very nice legs and their owner likes them. Perhaps it's the conjuction of legs and that skirt… Anyway, I might have to start with one of her other novels until I can overcome my leg anxiety.

    • January 28, 2014 at 9:45 am

      By which I mean – I could do with a comfort read at the moment. Also, I am not actually a pervert. As you were.

    • January 28, 2014 at 9:58 am

      I love the different ways in which I could interpret those final three words!

      It may comfort you to know that there are, I think, a few different covers available – some rather more legless (literally). Or you could just go with Lost Art of Keeping Secrets, which has a v chick-litty cover but is brilliant.

    • January 28, 2014 at 10:00 am

      I'm sure we recognise that Helen is using the phrase "As you were" to mean "explanation over" ! My estimate is that the young lady in the picture is 6' 3" and about 7 stone

    • January 28, 2014 at 10:02 am

      I obviously saw this the same time as you Si

    • January 29, 2014 at 2:00 pm


      I shouldn't post comments before I drink at least a bucketful of coffee. I didn't mean to cast aspersions! :) Grovel.

  • January 28, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    I was wondering if you'd review this! I read The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets and loved it, aeons ago, and bought a copy of this when it came out in paperback. Of course I haven't got around to reading it yet, but I don't doubt I will.

    • February 1, 2014 at 9:24 pm

      It's every bit as lovely as the other! It shouldn't have taken me so long to read it – if I'd been able to fit it in my bag, it'd have been read quicker!

  • January 29, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    Dear Simon, love the review but how can you bear to use the word "chunkster"! It makes "blog" almost respectable.

    Ms Prism's feline


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