The Priory by Dorothy Whipple

It’s turning out to be all Whipple all the time on Stuck in a Book right now. Well, long before I started Random Commentary, I was already reading the monster that is The Priory (1939). It’s enormous. My copy is 528 pages – I basically never read books that are over 500 pages, and that’s why I’ve had my copy for nearly 14 years (gasp, how did time pass that quickly?)

I bought it just before I started university, while on a trip to the Bookbarn to buy books for my course. This was, ahem, not for my course – but I couldn’t resist. And it was only when I got home that I discovered that my copy was… signed by Dorothy Whipple!

Obviously my copy is much older than the Persephone edition – which I do also have, as I can’t bring myself to get rid of either copy. And it starts like this…

It was almost dark. Cars, weaving like shuttles on the high road between two towns fifteen miles apart, had their lights on. Every few moments, the gates of Saunby Priory were illuminated. Every few moments, to left or to right, the winter dusk was pierced by needle points of light which, rushing swiftly into brilliance, summoned the old gateway like an apparition from the night and, passing, dispelled it.

The gates were from time to time illuminated, but the Priory, set more than a mile behind them, was still dark. To the stranger it would have appeared deserted. It stood in dark bulk, with a cold glitter of water beside it, a cold glitter of glass window when clouds moved in the sky. The West Front of the Priory, built in the thirteenth century for the service of God and the poor, towered above the house that had been raised alongside from its ruins, from its very stones. And because no light showed from any window here, the stranger, visiting Saunby at this hour, would have concluded that the house was empty.

But he would have been wrong. There were many people within.

So – what’s The Priory about? The house in question is called Saunby Priory, and is the vast home belonging to the Marwood family. There is grumpy widower Major Marwood, who lives only for the cricket season – which he throws large sums of money at, while the rest of the year he is a fierce penny pincher. There are his daughters Christine and Penelope, still in the nursery though now newly grown up. And there is a handful of servants who occasionally war with each other and occasionally sleep with each other (in a tactful 1930s way, of course).

Curiously, the Priory never felt very big to me. After that introduction, the scenes inside the house are rather claustrophobic – people worrying about space, getting in each other’s way, or being moved to make room for others. I wonder how deliberate that was.

There are a series of stages, where the entrance of a new character into the scene changes things – the first being the shy, anxious woman who will become Major Marwood’s new wife: Anthea. She is old enough that she believed she would always be a spinster, and is keen to accept his fairly ungracious proposal – which he makes by phone, because he doesn’t want the bother of going around to her in case she says no. There are also men who enter stage left to woo the girls; there is a passage of time in London. It is all very involved, and spaced evenly throughout the hundreds of pages – like an ongoing soap opera of events, neatly paced and always meeting the anticipated dose of emotion. There is also humour, particularly at the beginning, though the tone of the novel grows a little more melodramatic as the pages go by.

The Priory doesn’t have the psychological nuance of some of Whipple’s other novels. (That’s my view anyway – see review links at the bottom for different opinions!) Because her tapestry of events is so protracted, and must be filled, each one gets its moments of alarm and pathos, and everybody reacts in heightened dialogue before neatly moving onto the next moment. For instance, Anthea moves from being a timid new bride to ruthlessly running the household for the protection of her new babies, but settles into the new role so comfortably that it doesn’t feel as though a psychological shift has taken place so much as a new set of characteristics has been introduced. The same is true for the daughters as they experience marriage, parenthood, and adult woes.

Which is not to say that what is here isn’t a joy to read. It is – I moved through the novel very happily, enjoying every page for the entertaining soap opera that it was. I suppose my only point is that Whipple can do better, in terms of insight and depth – but not every novel needs to be insightful and deep. Some can just be engagingly written and immersively enjoyable – indeed, that is no mean feat. Yes, it could have been 200pp shorter without losing very much – I’d have advised staying in the Priory and not wandering off around the country – but I can’t disagree with the tribute that E.M. Delafield gave the novel in The Provincial Lady in Wartime:

What, I enquire in order to gain time, does Mrs. Peacock like in the way of books?

In times such as these, she replies very apologetically indeed, she thinks a novel is practically the only thing. Not a detective novel, not a novel about politics, nor about the unemployed, nothing to do with sex, and above all not a novel about life under Nazi régime in Germany.

Inspiration immediately descends upon me and I tell her without hesitation to read a delightful novel called The Priory by Dorothy Whipple, which answers all requirements, and has a happy ending into the bargain.

Mrs. Peacock says it seems too good to be true, and she can hardly believe that any modern novel is as nice as all that, but I assure her that it is and that it is many years since I have enjoyed anything so much.


Others who got Stuck into it:

“The best thing about this book is the characters. Whipple develops them so skillfully, and I loved how she did it by showing the reader through their words, thoughts, and actions, not just telling us.” – Books and Chocolate

“It is a beautiful novel, worthy of the highest praise and Whipple is an author, whose writing I look forward to reading more of, in the near future.” – Bag Full of Books

“Not a lot “happens” in this novel; most of the action centers around emotion. It’s all about subtlety here.” – A Girl Walks into a Bookstore

There is also an enjoyable write-up in the Persephone Forum.


18 thoughts on “The Priory by Dorothy Whipple

  • February 14, 2018 at 7:29 am

    “weaving like shuttled” … the first line stopped me in my tracks… ‘shuttled’ is that a noun, then?

    • February 14, 2018 at 8:06 am

      Typo, sorry!

  • February 14, 2018 at 8:20 am

    Finding the Provincial Lady quote is pure genius Simon! Enjoyed that immensely as a fellow PL lady enthusiast. Thanks for the mention.

  • February 14, 2018 at 12:05 pm

    I think it may actually be the size of the Whipples that’s stopped me actually reading any of them. Maybe I should start with the short stories…. And isn’t it wonderful to come across a signed copy of a book by one of your favourite authors – I am currently reading a signed copy of one of mine…. ;)

  • February 14, 2018 at 7:44 pm

    What an exciting discovery. The Priory was my first Whipple, I really enjoy her books. Looking forward to the new one Persephone publish in April.

  • February 14, 2018 at 8:39 pm

    This is my favourite Whipple (by virtue of it being the only one I did not want to rip apart in frustration by the time I reached the end). I like the smallness of its scale and Whipple’s psychological nuance in other novels feel less nuanced than sledgehammer-like most of the time so I was happy with the more modest approach here. And anything that warrants a PL recommendation is worthy of notice!

  • February 15, 2018 at 12:05 pm

    I’m keeping this as a book to track down. I like the convoluted stories. It is like a teledrama and sounds very modern.

  • February 15, 2018 at 9:36 pm

    In my experience, I find that length doesn’t really matter much with Whipple. Her books are so “readable”, they go very quickly.

    Love the reference from the Provincial Lady!

    And now, this post combined with your last one makes me think I really need to pick up another Whipple title to read, having only three under my belt thus far.

  • February 16, 2018 at 2:22 pm

    I did enjoy The Priory (as I have everything by Whipple), and while – like the Provincial Lady – really enjoying the happy ending, I did find it totally unconvincing, a bit fairytale…

  • February 16, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    Oh, my, that’s just amazing! I’m so glad you shared your lucky story. I have once or twice brought home a book with a signature that I hadn’t spotted before hand (and nobody else had either, apparently, as it was just shelved with the other second-hand books, not in the other section of signed or collectible items) but they were always living and contemporary writers. I’ve read a couple of Whipple’s but not this one, although if I had a signed copy, I would do so!

  • June 25, 2018 at 1:22 pm

    Hello, I realise this comment is a bit late, but I couldn’t resist letting you know that I found a signed Dorothy Whipple book today in a second hand shop (in Melbourne, Australia). It was the first book I noticed when I walked in, as I’m always on the lookout for authors that I’ve read about, but not read any of – if you know what I mean. I picked it off the shelf – it is a copy of They Knew Mr. Knight and it is a bit grubby and disgusting looking, but when I saw the signature, I bought it on the spot. It is a 1936 edition and is dedicated To “Ruth” in appreciation from Dorothy Whipple and the signature is just like yours (the quotation marks are as placed in the dedication, a strange placement I feel). I get really excited when I find old postcards in books, but this is even better!

  • January 22, 2025 at 1:41 pm

    I just discovered you as I am preparing to reread The
    Priory. I loved your comment that you do not
    generally read books over 500 pages long. That won’t
    work for me as Anthony Trollope is one of my three
    favorite authors. The others are Jane Austen and
    Barbara Pam. Miss Pym’s novels tend to be not too
    long. I doubt I can tell you anything you don’t know
    about books but Muriel Spark and Elizabeth Taylor
    tend to write novellas. An American writer I
    discovered in 2024 is Amor Towles. His stories arewitty and
    short. I’m glad I found Stuck in a Book.

    • January 30, 2025 at 4:27 pm

      Anthony Trollope is one of my rare exceptions, though even then I only seem to manage every few years. And you’ve got my taste exactly right – I love Spark and Taylor a lot. I think I’ve read all of Taylor’s novels and have one Spark left.


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