Thrown To The Woolfs

Today’s Woolf-pun wasn’t my own invention, though a trawl through past posts on Woolf will reveal quite a medley of ’em – as does today’s sketch, which is once more recycled. What can I say, I’m fond of it. And I’m also fond of Virginia Woolf, always on the look out for other things to read by and about her.

Can’t remember where I first saw Thrown To The Woolfs by John Lehnmann, but I have a feeling it was mentioned in Hermione Lee’s exhaustive biography Virginia Woolf – it appealed immediately; an account by Lehmann of being manager and later partner of Hogarth Press. He worked there between 1931 and 1946, with a sizeable gap in the middle – both chunks of time there, totalling almost eight years, ended in a rift with Leonard Woolf.

Although it is Woolf, V. who sold this title to me, Woolf, L. takes more central stage. Not in Lehmann’s opinion, certainly, but rather in the length of time spent together and consequent impact on Lehmann’s life. Like almost everyone else who has documented meeting Virginia, Lehmann was entirely bewitched by her, both as a person and a writer. He describes reading her final novel, Between The Acts, in manuscript: ‘It was a thrilling experience, and I was deeply moved. It seemed to me to have an unparalleled imaginative power, to be filled with a poetry more disturbing than anything she had written before, reaching at times the extreme limits of the communicable’. She herself died believing it to be “too silly and trivial”, but in her mental state also called To The Lighthouse ‘inconceivably bad’. It is a further tragedy that one of the century’s greatest writers died believing her work to be awful.

So, though Virginia was undoubtedly Lehmann’s preferred Woolf, it was Leonard who dominated the running of the Hogarth Press. The Press was important to both Woolfs – Lehmann describes it being treated ‘as if it were the child their marriage had never produced’ – but Leonard was far more concerned with the managerial side. He was notoriously parsimonious, going into a rage if a halfpenny could not be accounted for in, er, accounts. Thrown To The Woolfs, as the title suggests, does not tell a wholly happy tale, and it was (Lehmann suggests) Leonard’s over-bearing attitude, especially regards vetoing authors Lehmann wished to publish, which led to the eventual break up of their partnership. Much of the third section of this book is taken up with settling scores – quoting from Leonard’s autobiography and then refuting and repudiating. Though the final paragraph begins ‘it is absurd, and deleterious, in one’s later ages, to harbour enduring resentments about the struggles and tribulations of one’s younger career’ – but this feels a little like lip service to good nature. The tone becomes a trifle bitter, with light coming only in references to Virginia and other authors about whom he is passionate.

Despite these unresolved squabbles, Thrown To The Woolfs is a well-written and interesting account of a unique viewpoint on the Woolfs, and as such is well worth seeking out. Just don’t expect Happy Families all round.

By the by, I’m off to Snowdonia for a few days – see you when I get back!

5 thoughts on “Thrown To The Woolfs

  • April 5, 2008 at 8:29 pm

    Your post reminded me of the first time I read Woolves applied to VW and LW – it was by a nephew who referred to visiting the Woolves.
    The post also reminded me of a related book that I put aside to finish later and didn’t get back to. I’ve just gone to dig it out:
    _A Boy at Hogarth Press_ – have you come across this one before? Richard Kennedy went to work VW/LW in 1926 when he was 16. He had no qualifications and his uncle had asked LW if he could find him a job. It’s illustrated with a good many drawings by R.K. – I think you’d like them. It’s a square/thin book that looks at first to be a children’s book.

  • April 6, 2008 at 6:31 pm

    This sounds very interesting. What with books about Woolf’s servants, and now about the Hogarth Press, they’ll be giving us Woolf’s knitting patterns next, but even so I expect they would make interesting reading (‘knit one, pearl one, knit one… a pause… how bright the light shines through my dropped stitch…’ etc)

  • April 7, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    This is mentioned in the notes to Virginia Woolf’s Journals, one volume or another of which is always next to my bed. I wasn’t aware it was still available, but like you, I want to read anything about her so I will now be on the look out for a copy.

  • April 7, 2008 at 5:03 pm

    Ah, forgot to mention that it’s out of print – but I think there are a fair few secondhand copies around.

    Nancy – Lehmann did mention Richard Kennedy’s book a few times, and I was intrigued – on your recommendation too, will probably succumb and buy a copy soon.

  • April 10, 2008 at 11:14 pm

    Have I already told you in a long-ago comment that I was so lucky in college because he came and talked to us about Virginia and the Hogarth Press. I can still picture the room it was in, and really how few people were there. But my then boyfriend- now husband, and I were entranced, awed, bewitched, and as I said very, very lucky to have actually met someone who knew her. The dear, dear Virginia. He talked about his sister, Rosamunde, and I read one of her books, but don’t recall too much about it or even the title. Have you read her at all?


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