Valentino by Natalia Ginzburg #ABookADayInMay Day 2

Happily, day two of A Book A Day in May was much more successful – and, somehow, even shorter. Only 62 pages! And yet Ginzburg gets a whole world into Valentino (1957), translated by Avril Bardoni. It contains a great deal, both in terms of character and plot, and yet doesn’t feel like it should have been any longer. It’s a miracle of concision.

The narrator is Caterina, writing with love and yet some detachment about her brother, Valentino. He is a young, selfish man who has been brought up to believe that he will become an exceptional man. He has been given an expensive education and most whims have been answered by his parents – even while Caterina and Clara, his sisters, have been expected to get by on scraps. Caterina sets off to a distant market early every morning, to get marginally cheaper vegetables, while Valentino takes exams in a half-hearted way and obsesses with his appearance. As the novel opens, Valentino is doing something he apparently does often: bringing a fiancée to meet the family:

Many times he had become engaged and then broken it off and my mother had had to clean the dining room specially and dress for the occasion. It had happened so often already that when he announced he was getting married within the month nobody believed him, and my mother cleaned the dining room wearily and put on the grey silk dress reserved for her pupils’ examinations at the Conservatory and for meeting Valentino’s prospective brides.

But Maddelena is different from the line of pretty young students that Valentino brings home. She is at least a decade older than Valentino, very wealthy, and not at all attractive. On meeting her, Valentino’s mother bursts into tears.

As the novella continues, this curious mix of characters go through months of their lives in not many lines. Ginzburg shows us Clara’s thawing resentment, Maddelena’s generosity and her subdued pride, Valentino’s much less subdued pride, the mother’s stubbornness, and the enchanting new character – a cousin of Maddelena who starts to charm Caterina. She is perhaps the only character we aren’t able to observe properly – because she is primarily the observer. The other characters are drawn with their competing emotions, while Caterina’s motives and feelings are a little less clear. She is a substitute for the reader and, being a daughter or sister to most of the characters, makes us feel fully immersed in the family dynamics.

Ginzburg is so good at families, at least in the two novellas I’ve read by her (the other being Sagittarius). And she is very funny too, with a wry humour that is exentuated by the sparseness of the prose. For example…

My father said he would go to have a talk with Valentino’s fiancée, but my mother was opposed to this, partly because my father had a weak heart and was supposed to avoid any excitement, partly because she thought his arguments would be completely ineffectual. My father never said anything sensible; perhaps what he meant to say was sensible enough, but he never managed to express what he meant, getting bogged down in empty words, digressions and childhood memories, stumbling and gesticulating. So at home he was never allowed to finish what he was saying because we were all too impatient, and he would hark back wistfully to his teaching days when he could talk as much as he wanted and nobody humiliated him.

The humour gradually ebbs from Valentino as the tone becomes more serious – and there is a development in the plot that is hardly given any space to grow, but works its way backwards through the story so that it transforms everything we’ve read.

Valentino is a brilliant little book, showing what a master of economy Ginzburg was. I’m keen to keep reading her, and glad to have at least one more book (Family Lexicon) on the shelves to try.

11 thoughts on “Valentino by Natalia Ginzburg #ABookADayInMay Day 2

  • May 3, 2024 at 10:46 am

    Glad book 2 was better, Simon and it does sound really, really good. Yet to explore Ginzburg, but this might be a good place to start!

    • May 3, 2024 at 3:04 pm

      Oh I am 100% confident you’d love her, Karen

    • May 3, 2024 at 5:54 pm

      This is an excellent place to start with Ginzburg. Highly recommended!

  • May 3, 2024 at 12:45 pm

    This sounds great Simon. I’ve just read A Dry Heart by this author and thought it was excellent. Hopefully I’ll post on it soon. Glad your second day was more successful!

    • May 3, 2024 at 3:04 pm

      Definitely much more up my street than day 1!

  • May 3, 2024 at 2:01 pm

    Sounds brilliant, I’ve only read A Dry Heart and I’m keen to read more, this will be next!

    • May 3, 2024 at 3:04 pm

      Excellent! It’s amazing what she can do in 60pp.

  • May 3, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    You led me to Ginzburg with your review of Sagittarius and I have loved every one I’ve read since. I have not read Valentino but this sounds just as good. I quite confidently predict you will enjoy A Dry Heart – the premise put me off but, once I started the first page the narrative voice and wonderful prose meant I did not stop reading.

    • May 5, 2024 at 11:16 pm

      Oh excellent! Thanks for another vote for A Dry Heart – will have to get it sooner rather than later.

  • May 3, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    I love how you’ve highlighted Ginzburg’s wry sense of humour in your review as I feel it’s an underappreciated quality in her work. She can be very funny at times, especially on the messy business of family relationships!
    Family Lexicon is the one I’ve yet to read, but if you’re looking for more novella-seized excellence, I highly recommend ‘Family’ and ‘Borghese’, coming soon from Daunt. (I read them in the NYRB Classics edition, and it’s great see them in the Daunt pipeline over here.)

    • May 5, 2024 at 11:16 pm

      Yes, she can be so funny! And thanks for the tip about the forthcoming Daunts…


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