Young Man With a Horn by Dorothy Baker #1938Club

Young Man With a HornThis review is part of the 1938 Club: add your reviews to the comments here.

I was so pleased when Kate at Vulpes Libris asked the other foxes if they’d like to celebrate the 1938 Club this week (they said yes!) and so, of course, thought it would be nice to house one of my reviews over there.

You can read my thoughts on Young Man With a Horn by Dorothy Baker over there (spoilers: I really liked it). I’m really pleased that, so far, all the books I’ve read and am reading for the 1938 Club are books I’ve had on my shelves for a while – the Baker has been there for about four years. Before that, though, I often saw this copy in the secondhand bookshop on Walton Street in Oxford. I kept not buying it, and it kept being there, and eventually I decided I should probably just make my purchase and take it home. And I’m glad I did!

6 thoughts on “Young Man With a Horn by Dorothy Baker #1938Club

    • April 13, 2016 at 10:52 pm

      It is quite a sweet edition! That was one of the reasons I couldn’t leave it…

    • April 13, 2016 at 10:53 pm

      Oo, is that the NYRB Classics edition or a different one? Cos the NYRB is beautiful anyway… it feels greedy for it to have that TOO.

  • April 14, 2016 at 8:22 am

    I am a huge fan of this novel (and Dorothy Baker in general). So pleased to hear that you enjoyed it too!

    • April 15, 2016 at 8:34 am

      I have at least one more of hers waiting for me (The Street, I think) and I’m looking forward to more!


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